Create a parent list (Intentional Crossing Nursery)
The next step is to create a parent list. Here, you add germplasm or lines as parents, select packages, and manage your existing parents.
Add Parents
1. On top of the entry list data browser, click the Add Entries button (+).
2. On the Add Parents modal window, you can choose between four methods of adding entries: Input List, Advanced Nursery, Copy Entry List, or Saved List.
Add parents using input list
This allows the user to copy-paste a list from an external file that consists of the names (germplasm) of the lines that will be added to the entry list. Each name within the list is validated and only valid names that have package data in the database are accepted.
1. On the left menu of the Add Parents modal window, click Input List.
You may search for entries using germplasm, package labels, or package codes by clicking the radio button () beside one of them. Only entries with packages managed by the current program will be added.
2. From an external list, copy and paste the germplasm names into the text field. Then, click Search.
3. The modal window will show whether the values you’ve added are valid (A). Invalid germplasm are indicated at the bottom (B).
If an input is highlighted, it means that the provided germplasm name is different from the standard germplasm. When you add these parents, the system will use the standard germplasm as its germplasm name.
4. Once you’re satisfied with your list of germplasm, click Add Entries.
After the parents have been added, you can proceed to selecting packages.
Add parents from an advanced nursery
This allows the user to add parents from a nursery that has been harvested and has packages in the inventory. If the germplasm has one package, the package is selected as a seed source.
1. On the left menu of the Add Parents modal window, click Advanced Nursery. The modal window will then show a list of nursery experiments from which you can get your parents.
2. Find the experiment whose parents you want to view then click its folder ().
3. Once you’re satisfied with the list of parents, click Add Entries.
After the parents have been added, you can proceed to selecting packages.
Copy an entry list
A user can select a committed experiment from a list to copy all its entries and seed sources.
1. On the left menu of the Add Parents modal window, click Copy Entry List. The modal window will then show a list of experiments from which you can get your parents.
2. Find the experiment whose parents you want to view then click its folder ().
3. Once you’re satisfied with your list of parents, click Add Entries.
After the parents have been added, you can proceed to selecting packages.
Add parents from a saved list
A user can add entries from the germplasm or package lists that were created by or shared with the user.
1. On the left menu of the Add Parents modal window, click Saved List. The modal window will then show your saved lists where you can get your parents from.
2. Locate your desired saved list then click its .
You may check the list type before selecting your list. If the list type you selected is package, you don’t need to select packages. If the list type you selected is germplasm, you can proceed to select packages.
Select packages
You may select packages per entry, for multiple parents, or all entries at once.
Select packages per entry
1. For each entry, check the package status under the Availability column. You may refer to the drop-down field below for the definition of each status.
2. In the Availability column, click the Select button of your chosen entry to select packages. The button signifies that the status of your entries' package availability is still For Selection.
3. Once the Select Package modal window appears, select one among the list of packages you can use by ticking the options button . Then, click Save at the bottom right.
Select packages for multiple entries
1. Select multiple entries by ticking the checkboxes on the left side of the entries you wish to select. On the upper-right of the Entry List data browser, click the gear button () > Select Packages > Selected.
2. Once the Select Packages modal window appears, fill in the fields to filter your seed sources. Click Search to see which packages you can use.
3. The system will automatically select any available package from your search. Once satisfied, click Confirm.
Select packages for all entries
1. On top of the Entry List data browser, click the gear button () > Select Packages > All.
2. Once the Select Packages modal window appears, fill in the fields to filter your seed sources. Then, click Search to see which packages you can use.
3. Select from the available packages, then click Confirm.
Replace selected packages
For entries with multiple packages, you can also replace the packages you selected before.
1. Click the button of the entry with the Selected status.
2. Under the Select Package modal window, select the new package that you want to replace by ticking the options button After that, click Save.
Reorder Entries
You may reorder one or more entries into their respective entry numbers by swapping, by sort settings, individually, or by group. Only a maximum of 20 entries can be selected for reorder.
Reorder by swapping
The option allows you to swap the orders of two or more entries from each other.
1. Select entries by ticking either the checkboxes beside the selected entries or the topmost one for all entries. On the upper right of the Entry List data browser, click the gear button () > Reorder Entries > Reorder by Swapping.
2. Once the Reorder Entry List modal window appears, click the drop-down menu of each entry and change the order.
3. Once satisfied with the new order of the entries, click Confirm.
Reorder by sort settings
The option allows you to reorder your entries from saved sort settings. Refer to the drop-down below for the complete instructions on managing sorts.
1. On the upper right of the Entry List data browser, click the gear button () > Reorder Entries > Reorder by Sort Settings.
2. A pop-up window will appear to confirm the reordering of entries from the saved sort settings. Once satisfied, click Confirm.
Reorder individually
The option allows you to reorder one or more entries to any entry number.
1. Select one or more entries by ticking either the checkboxes beside the selected entries or the topmost one for all entries. On the upper right of the Entry List data browser, click the gear button () > Reorder Entries > Reorder Individually.
2. Once the Reorder Entry List modal window appears, click the drop-down menu of each entry and change the order.
3. Once satisfied with the new order of the entries, click Confirm.
Reorder by group
The option allows you to group and reorder two or more entries. You must first assign a starting entry number before grouping the entries. After that, you may reorder the entries within the group.
1. Select two or more entries by ticking either the checkboxes beside the selected entries or the topmost one for all entries. On the upper right of the Entry List data browser, click > Reorder Entries > Reorder by Group.
2. Once the Reorder Entry List modal window appears, assign a starting entry number.
3. You will see that your selected entries are automatically sorted from the starting entry number. You may still manage their entries by clicking the drop-down menu of each entry and changing the order. Once satisfied with the new entry numbers, click Confirm.
A notification will pop out if you assign a duplicate entry number. Correct the entry numbers by changing them.
Remove Entries
1. Select two or more entries by ticking either the checkboxes beside the selected entries or the topmost one for all entries. On the upper right of the Entry List data browser, click > Reorder Entries > Reorder by Group.
2. Select the method of removing entries from Remove Selected, Remove Selected in Page or Remove All. Refer to the drop-down below for the definition of each choices.
3. A pop-up window will appear to confirm the deletion of entries. Once satisfied, click Confirm.
Update entry information
Once you’ve selected packages for all entries, specify the parent role, parent type, and description of your entries. You may do so one entry at a time or in bulk. You may refer to the drop-down below for the value choices.
For the Intentional Crossing Nursery experiment, the parent role is a mandatory variable to be filled out.
1. Tick the checkboxes on the left side of the entries you wish to update. On the upper-right of the Entry List data browser, click the Bulk update button ().
2. Once the Bulk Update modal window appears, select the variable (column) you wish to update.
Once you update the values of your entry records, all related information (e.g. crosses, design) will be updated for the selected entries.
3. Provide the information needed for the variable. Once satisfied, click Selected for only the selected entries, Selected in page for selected entries on your current page, or All to update all entries.
4. Wait for the notification to appear in the upper right corner. Repeat steps 1-3 as necessary. Afterward, click Close.
Great job! Once you’re done adding and updating entries, click Next in the upper-right corner of the browser. After that, you can now start to identify crosses.