Data Collection


Data Collection encompasses the recording, validation, and storage of trait data. This process is facilitated by data production applications integrated into the EBS system. Despite some known limitations of the application, Data Quality Control is upheld through a semi-automated, standardized process designed to ensure both accuracy and reliability.

In EBS, the Data Collection tool offers multiple ways to input data, either through the web or mobile application, allowing data collectors and breeders to choose the best option for their activity. The web version of Data Collection enables teams to:

  • Upload collected data

  • Automatically compute trait variables

  • Perform basic data validation

  • Select and manage plot data for suppression or inclusion

  • Commit validated data, making it available in EBS for further analysis

Meanwhile, the mobile application, Field Book, helps teams:

  • Directly connect mobile application via EBS BrAPI integration

  • Import and sync data seamlessly

Web Browser or Web Application


Android Mobile Device