Planting Instructions Manager

Planting Instructions Manager



Once the experiment has been created, the next thing breeders need to do is to prepare the seeds they will use for their occurrences. In Planting Instructions Manager tool, the breeder can create the packing transaction to help in this seed preparation task.

Currently, the Planting Instructions Manager allows users to:

  • Create a packing job;

  • Edit a packing job to continue its creation;

  • Browse packing jobs;

  • View packing job information; and

  • Update a packing job’s status

Note that because the EBS is still under development, the Planting Instructions Manager has yet to support the creation and management of planting jobs.

Getting started

1. From the dashboard, open the left navigation panel by clicking Show left nav (☰) found on the top menu. You may also use the shortcut Alt + L.


2. Once the left navigation panel is open, click Planting Instructions Manager.


You may easily access Planting Instructions Manager to your Dashboard by adding Planting Instructions Manager in your Tools widget. It will stay there unless you remove it.


You can now see and use the Planting Instructions Manager tool. You will be greeted with a table where you can manage the packing jobs that have been created.

Great job! Let’s learn how to create a packing job.