CRM: How to manage contacts?

CRM: How to manage contacts?

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Contact Relationship Manager (CRM) assists administrators in effectively managing contacts, relationships, and collaborative efforts across various programs. These tools streamline the process of storing and organizing contact information while facilitating the tracking of connections.

Create contact

  1. From the CRM page. Click PERSON tab.

  2. Click the New Person on the upper right of the data browser.



  1. Fill in all fields marked with an asterisk ( * ).

Special characters, such as punctuations, are allowed when specifying names of new and existing contacts. Although the remaining fields are optional filling them our is encouraged.



  1. Once done, in the upper right corner, click Save.

  2. Wait for the notification that the new assigned contact is successfully created.



  1. If you want to add a new user click Yes on the modal page. Otherwise, click No to exit.



View Contact Information

  • Click the view (1).pngView icon to see the account information from the CRM page.

  • The data browser will quickly display the INSTITUTIONS basic information.



Delete Contact Information

  1. Click the deleteBatch.png Delete icon to remove the account from the CRM page.

  1. The data browser will prompt.

  2. Click Submit to delete. Otherwise, click Cancel.



Add Additional Information

  1. Click the edit (1).png Edit icon to modify the account information from the CRM page.

  2. From the available tabs below the UPDATE PERSON page, go to the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION tab.

  3. Click the Add Information button at the upper right corner of the data browser.

  4. Select the type of information to add and input the value.

  5. Click Save and wait for the notification that the new information was successfully added.

An error message will be prompted for duplicate values.


Delete Address

  1. From the CRM page. Click the edit (1).png Edit icon to modify.

  2. Go to Institution field.

  3. Click the icon beside the old institution name to delete.

  4. Click the drop-down field for Institution to select.

  5. Select the correct Primary Address on the adjacent field.

  6. On the ADDRESSES tab data browser, click Delete icon to remove the previously saved address.

  7. Wait for the notification that the previously saved address is deleted.



Create Institution

  1. From the CRM page. Click INSTITUTIONS.

  2. Click the New Institution button on the upper right of the data browser.

  3. Fill in all fields marked with an asterisk ( * ).

  4. Once done, in the upper right corner, click Save.

  5. Wait for the notification that the new assigned institution is successfully created.

Forms features a type-ahead fields for contact type, purpose, and crop


View Institution Information

  1. Click the view (1).pngView icon to see additional information of an Institution from the CRM page.

  2. The data browser will quickly display the INSTITUTIONS basic information.



Delete Institution Information

  1. Click the deleteBatch.png Delete icon to remove the institute from the CRM page.

  2. The data browser will prompt.

  3. Click Submit if you want to delete else click Cancel.
