BPM: How to update breeding pipelines of experiments?

BPM: How to update breeding pipelines of experiments?


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The new Breeding Program Manager tool lets EBS administrators update the breeding pipelines of experiments created in a certain crop program. They can select one or more experiments and assign them to the specific breeding pipeline using the tool.

Get started

EBS Administrators must first be familiar with the tool’s interface. The main page displays all the experiments under a specific crop program.


Breeding Program Manager page navigation

  1. Columns - The column headers let administrators sort the experiment information per column. They can click the columns to arrange the information in ascending or ascending order. They can also look for specific information by typing in the text area under each header.

  2. View Experiment () - The icon lets administrators view the experiment’s basic information and breeding pipeline.

  3. Update - The button lets administrators proceed with the updating of the experiments' breeding pipeline.

  4. Reset grid () - The button lets administrators reset any sorting changes done on the main page.

  5. Personalized grid settings () - The button lets administrators modify the page size and columns displayed on the main page.


View basic experiment information

  1. Click the View Experiment icon beside the experiment.



  1. The page displays the Basic tab with information like the breeding pipeline, experiment name, design type, experiment steward, and more.



  1. To go back to the main page, click Breeding Program Manager link from the upper left corner of the page.


Update breeding pipeline

  1. Tick the checkbox beside one or more experiments and click the Update button.



  1. The page displays the (1) upper section that shows the selected experiments and (2) the lower section that shows the pipeline information to be selected.



Click the toggle to hide the upper section with the experiments.




  1. Click the dropdown menu from the three options (BPID, Short Name, or Long Name) to select the breeding pipeline related to the experiment. The options changes as administrators select from the dropdown menus.



  1. Once done, click Save. The changes will be saved and displayed on the main page.


Great! The experiments are assigned to their breeding pipelines.