BM: How to create a batch?
Domain | SM |
Tool | BM |
User |
Role |
Table of Contents
Genotyping Service Manager (GSM) and Batch Manager (BM)
Laboratory managers play a crucial role in overseeing and managing genotyping service requests. GSM and BM are powerful tools designed to streamline their workflow and ensure efficient handling of these requests. This guide provides lab managers with a detailed overview of the tool and its functionalities.
Creating a batch
Select request(s) from the GSM browser by ticking the checkbox of an approved request, Once done, click Create Batch. Users will be directed to Batch Manager > batch details.
Review batch details
Verify Request Information.
In the REQUESTS tab, carefully examine each request included in the batch.
The selected marker group(s)/Trait(s) are displayed as part of the essential request details in the data browser. You can also find this information summarized in the gray-shaded section
Add More Requests.
If needed, use the "Add Request(s) to Batch" button to include additional eligible requests. Once done, on the upper right click Next. The users will be then directed to the next tab SERVICE & TECHNOLOGY.
Specify service and technology parameters
Select Service provider, Technology, and Marker/Assay.
In the SERVICE & TECHNOLOGY tab, choose the appropriate (1) service provider, (2) technology from the provided drop-down menus, and (3) marker/assay if applicable.
Choose Marker group(s) (Optional).
Select the desired marker panels from the available options and add them to the selected marker group(s). Once done, on the upper right click Next. The users will then be directed to the next tab PLATE LAYOUT.
For fixed Marker Groups, the markers and assays will be automatically chosen, and the selection feature will be inactive and unavailable.
A paginated view displays markers and assays, with the first 10 items shown initially. Users can access additional items by moving to subsequent pages.
Design plate layout
Select Plate Size.
In the PLATE LAYOUT tab, specify the desired plate size. The system will automatically generate a corresponding plate layout, including a unique Plate Name.
Assign Internal Controls.
If applicable, choose whether to include blank or positive controls by selecting from the "Internal Controls" dropdown menu. Click on individual plate wells to assign the selected control(s).
Internal Controls | Vendor Controls |
Determine Sample Arrangement.
Specify the desired sample arrangement in the "Plate Fill Direction" and preview the layout using the "Generate Plate Sample" button. The default plate sample orientation is Column.
Submit Batch.
Once done, click Submit. A notification will confirm that the batch has been created successfully. The laboratory manager will be redirected to the Batch Manager data browser.
The Batch Manager browser provides information on the status and service provider for each batch