Cross Manager

Cross Manager


Other experiments involve generating crosses from parents before planting. In Cross Manager, you will be able to add parents from the list of existing experiments, select parent roles, identify crosses, and manage them.

Let’s get you started!

Getting Started

1. From the dashboard, open the left navigation panel by clicking Show left nav (☰) found on Top menu. You may also use the shortcut Alt + L.


2. Once the left navigation panel is open, click the option - Cross Manager.


Great job! You can now see and use the Cross Manager tool. You will be greeted with a table that will reflect the cross lists that have been created.


Provide basic information

1. To get started with creating a cross list, click Create from the Cross Manager toolbar.


2. In the Basic Info tab, provide all the required information in the text fields marked with an asterisk ( * ).

The Description text field is optional, but you are encouraged to fill it.


3. Once done, click Next on the upper right side of the window.

Great job! Let’s proceed to our next step - adding parents.