Launch other breeding tools

Launch other breeding tools


Users can use other tools available in Cross Manager such as accessing harvest data, updating cross list protocols, and printing tags. They are useful in organizing your data and managing your crosses.

Let’s get started in exploring other tools available in Cross Manager.

Access Harvest Manager

While the Harvest Manager can be accessed as a stand-alone tool, it can also be accessed through the Cross Manager.

1. From the Cross Manager browser, tick the checkbox beside the cross list that is ready for harvest. On the toolbar, click the Access breeding tools () icon and select Harvest Manager from the drop-down menu, then click Harvest Crosses.


If you select two or more occurrences during the creation of your cross list, a modal window will appear with the list of occurrences. Select one from the dropdown menu, then click Go To Harvest Manager.


2. You will be automatically redirected to the Harvest Data tab. You may now manage your harvest data using Harvest Manager.


Update cross list protocols

EBS users can update pollination and trait protocols for a cross list in Cross Manager. Let’s get started on updating them.

1. From the Cross Manager browser, tick the checkbox of the cross list that you want to update. Click the Update cross list level data () button and select Update cross list protocols.


2. You will be directed to the protocols browser where you can update the protocols.


Update the pollination instructions

1. Click the Pollination subtab. Provide pollination instructions for your experiment in the text field provided. You are encouraged to do this step.


2. Once done, click Save.


Update the trait protocols

You may provide traits one by one or select existing trait lists (which are a group of selected traits previously used in an existing experiment).

Crossing date is mandatory in the traits protocol aside from the harvest data variables. This is only applicable to the RICE instance.


Select individual traits

Adding individual traits will help you look for a specific trait needed for your experiment.

1. Click the Traits subtab.


2. Under the Trait drop-down field, select the trait you want to add.


3. Click Add to move it to the Selected Traits section.


4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you are satisfied with your selected traits.


Select trait lists

Selecting trait lists lessens the time of choosing individual traits and avoids selection errors. You must first create a trait list specific to the experiment in the List Manager before adding it to the cross list.

1. From the Traits subtab, click the Trait Lists subtab.


2. Under the Trait List drop-down field, select the trait protocol that you want to add.


3. Click Add to move all the traits to the Selected Traits section.


4. A pop-up window will open with the traits included in the list. Click Confirm to add the traits.


5. You may also delete any selected traits by ticking the checkbox of the trait and clicking the Remove items () button.


6. A pop-up window will appear to confirm the deletion. Click Confirm to proceed.


You may continue with adding your traits. The changes made will be automatically saved.


Print tags

In the Cross Manager, you can assign templates and download the tags before printing.

1. In the Experiment Manager table, click the checkboxes of the occurrences. Then, click Printouts ().


2. In the Printouts modal window, choose the occurrence, template, and file type. Once done, click Download.


3. The file will now be downloaded and saved on your device.

Great job! You can now manage your crosses! You may prepare the list for data collection or manage your harvests.