Add parents


You can select and manage parents from the list of occurrences that is similar to the program, site, season, and year that you identified earlier. In Add Parents tab, you can select the entries and identify their parent roles.

  1. Click the View entries () icon beside the experiment where you will get your entries.


  1. You will be directed to the occurrence list where all the entries are listed. Click the checkboxes of the entries that you will include as parents

  2. On the right side, click Add Parents. Here you will set the parent role of the entries As Female, As Male, or As Female-and-Male.


  1. A modal window will appear confirming the added parents. You may either click Add More to add more parents or Manage Parents to proceed to the next tab.


To view other occurrences, click ← Back to Occurrence List.


  1. Once done, click Next to proceed to the next tab.


To view the germplasm attributes of the selected occurrence, click Download () from the toolbar. The .csv file will be automatically saved in your local drive.

Great job! You have added your parents. Let’s now manage them.