Manage records

Manage records


Under the Management tab, you will be presented with all generated records from your occurrence. Key information presented are the generated germplasm name, seed name, label, quantity, and others.

View germplasm record

You can check the germplasm information such as its generation, parentage, and attributes after it was harvested. Click the germplasm under the Germplasm Name column and you can view its basic information. You can also click the View More Information button to see other germplasm information.

view germplasm.gif


Delete records

1. Select the records that you want to delete by ticking the checkboxes on the left and clicking the Delete packages () button from the toolbar.

You may also click directly and skip the first step if you want to delete all records.


2. From the modal window, click Delete Selected or Delete All to confirm this action.

This will delete the germplasm, seed lot, and package records and cannot be undone.


Create lists

You can create a list from a select number of records or all of the newly generated records. If you are creating a list from a few records, select the records you want to add by ticking the checkboxes on the leftmost column. Otherwise, you may skip this step.

1. From the toolbar, click Save to list () and select either Selected or Select All.


2. Once the modal dialog appears, fill in the required fields marked by (*).

3. Specify the list type as either germplasm, seed, or package list.


4. Once satisfied, click Submit on the bottom right.


Provide additional harvest

You can only add harvest data to plots or crosses with harvest complete status.

For experiments that will require additional harvests, the Harvest Manager tool allows the addition of harvest data for previously harvested plots and crosses. However, you are allowed to add harvest under the following conditions:

  • Bulk + numbered harvest (e.g. Single Plant Selection (plots), Single Seed Numbering (crosses))

  • Numbered harvest + Bulk

  • Numbered harvest + numbered harvest


  1. Go back to the Harvest Data tab in the Harvest Manager. Click the checkbox ( ) of the plots or crosses with harvest complete status. You may view them in either Plots or Crosses subtab.

  2. From the toolbar, click the Additional harvest ( ) button.


  1. In the Additional Harvest modal window, specify the additional harvest date, method, and if needed, numeric variables.


  1. Click Confirm in the lower right corner of the modal window.


  1. Another modal window will appear and notify you about the changes that will be made once you proceed with the additional harvest. Once finalized, click Proceed.


  1. Once done, click the Notifications () icon in the Management tab to check if the adding of harvests is successful.

You will not be required to go to the Creation tab to commit and create records from additional harvests. You may still check the Notifications () in the same tab to check the progress of your additional records.


  1. You will now see the records from both the initial harvest and the additional harvests.


After the additional harvest, the Harvest Data tab will display the recently added harvest data. Though, the old harvest data is still saved in the system.

Great job! You’ve successfully managed your records. You’re now ready to start another experiment or continue adding to your list by searching for germplasm, seeds, or traits.