

Although breeders conduct multiple experiments, the traits they observe are often the same or similar with each breeding cycle. The EBS makes it easy for breeders to prepare the traits and data they wish to collect during the experiment using the Traits tool, which allows breeders to:

  • find traits available in the system;

  • view the general information, property, method, and scale of a trait; and

  • save a trait list to be used in future experiments.

For convenience, the Trait Search is already incorporated into different EBS tools (e.g. Experiment Creation). This user guide, however, is focused on how to utilize Trait Search as a stand-alone tool.

Let’s get you started!

Get Started

1. From the dashboard, open the Left Navigation panel by clicking Show left nav () found on the left of the Top Menu.

You may also use the shortcut Alt + L to open the Left Navigation panel.


2. Once the Left Navigation is open, click Traits.

The two other search options - Inventory Search and Germplasm - are similar tools with respective user guides.

Great job! You can now see and use the Trait Search tool. Let’s orient you on the tool’s key sections: the query parameters and the query results viewer.


(1) The Query Parameters occupies the upper section of the tool. This is where you can perform basic and additional queries for traits. You can expand and collapse this section by clicking on the white header.

(2) The Results Viewer occupies the lower section of the tool. This is where the results of your search will be displayed. You can filter your results or adjust the viewer later on when you manage your search results.

Next Step

Now that you’re familiar with the sections of the tool, let’s search for traits!