Table of Contents
The dashboard is the landing page of the core breeding domain. Here, users can organize relevant tools, and display important information about your program, experiments, and products in one, easy-to-access place. It can provide users with a summary of their experiments, shipments, locations, recently used tools, and even a visual summary of the breeding process.
Configure your dashboard
You can customize your dashboard to suit your needs by changing the layout and widgets. From the dashboard, click Configure dashboard () on the upper right to start the configuration. You may also press Alt + C.
Add widgets
1. In the upper right, click Add Widget to view the list of widgets that you can add. You may refer to the drop-down below for the list of widget types.
2. Add your widget of choice by clicking Add on the right side of the widget name.
3. Wait for the notification that confirms the successful addition of your widget to the dashboard.
You can add the same type of widgets multiple times. Widgets that are already added to your dashboard will have an Added status next to their name.
4. Once you are done adding widgets, click Close.
Delete widgets
1. If you want to remove a widget, click Remove widget (X) at the upper right of the widget.
2. A modal dialog will confirm whether or not you want to delete the widget. Click Confirm.
You can tick the checkbox beside Don’t Ask Me Again if you want to skip this confirmation whenever you delete a widget.
3. Wait for the dashboard to refresh. Your widget has now been deleted!
Rename widgets
You can rename your widgets to be more meaningful and customized to your workflow. For example, you can add multiple Tool widgets. Each widget can be renamed as a specific part of your workflow (e.g. Harvest of trials).
1. To do this, simply click on the name of the widget with the dotted underline.
2. A pop-up will appear beside the name of your widget. In the text field, write the desired name.
3. Once satisfied, click to Apply. Otherwise, click to Reset the action.
4. Wait for the system to save your changes. Your widget has now been renamed!
Collapse/Expand widgets
If you have multiple widgets, it may be useful to only see their contents when needed. In this case, you can collapse (minimize) or expand (maximize) the widget. By default, all widgets are in the expanded view.
1. On the upper right corner of your widget, click - to Collapse the widget.
2. Conversely, click + to expand it.
Customize the layout
1. In the upper right, click Edit Layout.
2. A pop-up window will appear showing you the different dashboard layouts available. You may refer to the drop-down fields below to get a better understanding of how each layout will appear. Select your preferred layout by clicking on it.
3. Wait for the dashboard to load with your new layout. Your widgets will be automatically resized to fit the layout.
4. Change the placement and order of your widgets to better fit the new layout by dragging it to the desired position.
Great job! The changes to your dashboard are automatically saved. Once you’re satisfied, simply click Go To Dashboard on the upper right side of the browser.