Create a working list

Create a working list


A working list is like your shopping cart — you can choose and add seeds that you want to save for later use. You must first access the working list browser by clicking the icon from the search results browser. Once you’ve added records, you may manage them by arranging and deleting them, adding them as a list, exporting them, and more.


Import items from list

Even after adding seed records to the working list, you may add more records from your saved package list.

  1. From the Working List toolbar, click then select Import from Saved List.


  1. From the Select a Save List modal window, you can only see your saved lists and those shared with you. Click beside the list you want to import. You will be redirected to the working list browser with the imported seeds from your saved list.


Remove items

You can remove the records from your working list in two ways.

Remove selected items

  1. From the Working List browser, select the records that you want to remove by ticking the checkboxes on the left side.

  2. Click the Remove list items button , then select Remove Selected Items.


  1. Repeat steps 1 and 3 until satisfied with the seed list.


Clear the working list

From the Working List toolbar, Click the Remove list items button , then select Clear List.

This action cannot be undone and your seed list will not be saved. Do this only if you’re sure that you want to discard the seed list.


Save the working list

You may save your desired records saved from your working list to the EBS database and use them for your experiments and service requests.

Save as a new list

  1. From the Working List toolbar, click the Save list button . Then, select Save As New List.


  1. A pop-up window will appear confirming that you want to save your list. Take note that your working list will be cleared after saving. Click Confirm.


  1. Another pop-up window will appear titled Create List. Provide a name for your new list.

Give your seed list a meaningful name that helps you quickly identify what seeds are included and for which experiment it will be used.


  1. Click Create to finish saving your list. You can now access this list when you create an experiment.


  1. Your list is successfully transferred into a list and your browser will be cleared. Click Back from the upper right side of the browser to add more records.


Save to an existing list

  1. From the Working List toolbar, click the Save list button . Then, select Save To Existing List.


  1. From the Select a Save List modal window, click beside the package list where you want to save the list.


  1. A pop-up window will appear confirming that you want to save your list. Take note that your working list will be cleared after saving. Click Confirm.


  1. Your list is successfully transferred into a list and your browser will be cleared. Click Back from the upper right side of the browser to add more records.


Save List Order

You may also save the order of your working list. Before that, you must manage first your sort settings. You may check the drop-down menu below for specific instructions.

  1. Click the button on the upper-right corner of Entry List data browser.

  2. Wait for the modal window to open. Here you can configure a new sort setting or choose from the previously saved sort definitions. Let’s try to define a new sorting condition by clicking Add Column.

  1. From the drop-down menu, select the columns you want to sort and whether you want it to be sorted in ascending or descending order.

  1. You can remove your sorting parameters by clicking Clear All.

  2. You can also save your current sorting parameters for future searches. To do so, click Save on the left side of the pop-up window. Provide a name for the sorting parameters and click Save.

Saved sort settings will allow you to have multiple sorting configurations so that you don’t need to define them every time.

  1. Once satisfied, click Apply on the lower right.

  1. From the Working List toolbar, click the Save list button . Then, select Save List Order.


  1. A pop-up window will notify you that your list order is automatically saved.


Reorder items

Aside from sorting your seed records, you may also swap two or more of them into their new orders.

  1. Tick the of the items that you want to reorder.

  2. From the Working List toolbar, click the tools button () then select Reorder Selected Items.


  1. From the modal window, identify first the starting order number from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select the new order numbers by selecting from the drop-down menu of each record.


  1. Once done, click Confirm.


Export the working list

For some users, they will need the list of seeds for different breeding services and add them to their existing experiments. They can now export their working list by downloading it into a CSV file or exporting it directly in the experiment.

Export as a file

  1. From the Working List toolbar, click the tools button () then Export List Items.

  2. Your CSV file will be automatically saved on your device. You may open the file to review your seed list.


Export to experiment

  1. From the Working List toolbar, click the tools button () then Export List to Experiment.


  1. The Export List to Experiment modal window will appear with the list of your DRAFT experiments made in the Experiment Creation tool. Click beside the experiment when you want to export your records.


  1. The records will be successfully added to your experiment with the updated entry count.


Download record templates

You may also download either seed or package templates that you can use for creating or updating your records. If you are an administrator, you can also download them from the Inventory Manager.

  1. From the Working List toolbar, click the tools button () then Download Template. Select from either Seeds Only or Packages Only.

  1. The CSV file of the template will be saved on your device.

Great job! You have successfully managed your working list. If you have created your package list, you may use them in your experiment. Check our Experiment Creation User Guide for more instructions.