Inventory Manager

Inventory Manager


The Inventory Manager lets EBS administrators create and manage seed and package records for use in experiments. This tool houses packet-level information about the uploaded and validated seed records.

Let’s start exploring Inventory Manager.

Get Started

1. From the dashboard, open the Left Navigation panel by clicking Show left nav () found on the left of the Top Menu or using the shortcut Alt + L.

2. Once the Left Navigation panel is open, click Inventory Manager.


You may also access the tool by adding it to the Tools widget.


3. You will be greeted by the Inventory Manager landing page. The landing page is divided into three main tabs, the Create, Update, and Seed Transfer tab. Administrators can create new seed and package records in the Create tab, update them in the Update tab, and transfer them internally in the Seed Transfer tab.


Great! You may now start with creating seed and package records.