Search for seeds
Perform a basic search
A basic search lets you find seeds using parameters, input lists, or filters. Let’s start your first basic search!
Search using search parameters
1. From the Inventory Search tool, locate the Search Parameters section in the upper part of the page.
2. From the Search Parameters section, provide at least one parameter such as Season, Year, Experiment Type, Occurrence, Facility, and Sub-facility.
3. You can also set a limit on the number of packages per germplasm. Setting this limit will only show the first N number of seed/package records shown per germplasm group sorted by the most recent harvest date. (e.g. setting it to 3 will show the first 3 packages of that germplasm).
4. Afterward, click on Find to execute your query.
Once the results have finished loading, you can remove some parameter values, use additional search parameters, or manage your results.
Using additional search parameters
You can perform an additional search to improve your results. You will be provided two options - Input List or Filters. You may choose one or both.
A search can be performed with only an input list. However, a search using filters can only be performed if at least one query parameter is provided (other than Program).
Search using an input list
1. From the Search Parameters section, click on Additional Search Parameters > Input List.
2. It will show three blank fields - (1) the field type section, (2) the input field, and (3) the saved lists menu.
The text field is disabled when searching for package records using Input List in Inventory Search unless the user defines the field type from the dropdown menu.
3. Click on the field type drop-down menu, which is the first blank field. Here you can specify if the values you will be providing references to the germplasm name, germplasm code, seed name, seed code, package label, or package code.
4. Provide your search values in the input field, which is the blank field below the field type selection.
5. If you have a saved germplasm list, you can import the germplasm names by locating the saved list from the menu on the right and clicking Select saved list (). The list will appear in the input field
6. Once satisfied, click on Find to execute your search.
You may view the items from the input list that show no results by clicking the Results Summary button. A modal window will appear with the given list.
Search using filters
1. From the Search Parameters section, click on Additional Search Parameters > Filters.
2. It will show the different filter options you can apply. You may refer to the drop-down below for their value choices.
3. Afterward, provide the values on the blank fields. Repeat steps 1 and 2, if necessary, to add more options.
4. Once satisfied, click on Find to execute your search.
Great job! You have successfully performed an additional search.
Remove parameter values
There are three ways to remove a parameter value. Each parameter is related so you may need to remove or add a value in one parameter to see the other choices for the next parameter (e.g. Sub-location value choices are based on the provided Location value).
Remove one value in a parameter
Remove a single parameter value by clicking on the × beside the value.
Remove multiple values in a parameter
If you have multiple values in one parameter, click on the × on the right side of the parameter field to clear all the values under that parameter.
Clear all search parameters
If you have multiple parameters filled in, click Reset to clear all the values from all the parameters.
Great job! Once you’re satisfied with the search parameters, you can save them and load them for future use.
Save and load search parameters
Save search parameters
In some cases, you may have a set of parameters that you use frequently. You can save these parameters for convenient use later.
1. Fill in the parameters you want to save.
2. At the bottom of the Search Parameters section, click on the Save search parameter button ( ).
3. A pop-up will appear titled Search Parameter Basic Info. Provide a name for your query parameters.
4. Click Save and you will be notified on the top right of your screen if it was saved successfully.
Saved parameters are found only in the EBS database and cannot be accessed directly. If you need to have parameters edited or removed, you may ask for data management support.
Load saved search parameters
If you have a saved set of parameters, you can quickly load them to start a new search.
1. Click on the Open saved search parameter button () to view your saved search parameters.
2. A pop-up window will appear titled View Saved Search Parameters. From the list shown, click the option button beside the query parameters you want to load.
3. Click Select and a search will immediately be performed using those parameters.
If you have parameters filled in before loading saved query parameters, these will be replaced by the loaded parameters.
Great job! You have successfully performed a basic search. You can now manage your search results.