Conduct quality control

Conduct quality control


In quality control, you can verify and manage the uploaded data. The quality control has two main tabs - Dataset and Complete Transaction.

Navigate to the Quality Control page

  1. Find the data collection transaction that you want to conduct quality control.

  2. On the left side of your transaction’s row, click the QC button ().



  1. Wait to be directed to the Quality Control page. Here you can see three tabs: (1) Compute, (2) Review, and (3) Complete Transaction. The tabs reflect important information about the dataset which will be discussed in detail below.

The Compute tab will appear for transactions with trait data that have valid formulas. Otherwise, the tab will not be visible on the QC page.


Click the hyperlinked location name on the Quality Control page. This returns you to the Data Collection data browser filtered by the location.


Select traits for computation

The Compute tab displays the traits with formulas for computation. This allows you to select the trait data to be computed automatically in the EBS.

  1. After clicking the QC button () beside the transaction with the UPLOADED: TO BE CALCULATED status, you will see the traits for computation. But you may select one or more of them by ticking the checkbox ().


  1. You can also select all traits by ticking the checkbox () beside the column headers.


  1. Once done, click Calculate.


  1. You will be redirected back to the Data Collection main browser and the computations will be done in the background. Click the Notifications () to check if it is done.


  1. The transaction will change its status to uploaded after the computation. To review the computed traits, click the QC button again and go to the Review tab.


Review the dataset

The Dataset tab reflects detailed information about the uploaded data collection transaction. A user can review if any trait data values are invalid (records that did not have any values or had wrong formats when uploaded), missing (records with missing values), or voided (records whose values were intentionally removed by the user). This tab is also used for suppressing or unsuppressing plot data if needed.


Summary subtab

This subtab provides a table of the summarized values for each variable/trait in the dataset. It provides a quick view of the statistical values (e.g. Min, Max, Avg), invalid or voided values, and records of suppressed values.


View variable information

  1. Under the Variable column, click the variable name whose trait information you want to see.


  1. A pop-up window will appear containing the General Information, Property, Method, and Scale of that variable.


  1. Click Close once you are satisfied.


View the plot/cross data browser

  1. From the Summary tab, locate the row of the variable whose plot or cross values you want to see.

  2. Once found, click on the value under the Data Unit column.


  1. Wait to be directed to the Plot/Cross subtab. Here you can see all the plot or cross values under that specific variable.


  1. You may click Remove Filters to continue navigating the Plot/Cross subtab. Otherwise, click the Summary subtab to go back.

A simpler way to view the Plot data browser is by clicking on the Plot subtab found above the Summary table.


View the minimum or maximum values

  1. From the Summary tab, locate the row of the variable whose minimum and maximum values you want to see.

  2. Under the New column, view the sub-columns Min and Max for the exact minimum and maximum values. Click the value whose information you want to see.


  1. Wait to be directed to the Plot subtab. Here you can see plot information with that specific value.


  1. You may click Remove Filters to continue navigating the Plot subtab. Otherwise, click the Summary subtab to go back.


View suppressed plot data

  1. From the Summary tab, locate the row of the suppressed values you want to see.

  2. Under the Suppressed column, view the sub-column Count for the number of values suppressed for that variable.


  1. Click the indicated value to be redirected to the Plot subtab. Here you can see the plot information of all the suppressed values of that variable.


  1. You may click Remove Filters to continue navigating the Plot subtab. Otherwise, click the Summary subtab to go back.


Plot/Cross subtab

This subtab provides a data browser of all the plot data for all the collected variables/traits. It allows users to filter and update the data, and suppress or unsuppress any values if needed.


For experiments with cross combinations, this subtab is indicated as Cross subtab.


You may also add and hide the data columns in either Plot or Cross subtab. Click to access the personalized grid settings and add or remove the columns.



Bulk update trait data

You may change the selected or all plot data through bulk updating.

  1. From the Plot subtab, tick the of the row(s) of the plot data that you want to update.

  2. Click on the upper-right side of the table.


  1. On the Bulk Update modal window, select the trait to be updated from the drop-down menu.


  1. Indicate the updated trait value in the given field.


  1. After that, click either Apply to Selected for selected plots or Apply to All for all plots.


  1. The trait values have been updated. Wait to be directed to the Plot subtab


Sort plot information

Click the headers to sort the values in either ascending or descending order. To reset sorting, click the Refresh icon ().


Suppress plot data

Suppressing plot data is useful when we have values that we want to be part of the dataset but do not want to be included in the analysis (e.g. outliers). You can suppress plot data using two ways:

Selecting individual plots

  1. From the Plot subtab, locate the plot data that you want to suppress and tick the checkbox ().

  2. Click Suppress from the upper-right side of the table.


  1. Wait for the Suppress Plot Data modal window to appear. Indicate the trait and the remarks for suppression. Note that Suggested Remarks is a required field. Then. click Suppress


  1. Once satisfied with the selected trait data to be suppressed, click Apply and wait to be directed to the Plot subtab. 


You have successfully suppressed your data! Unsuppressed data will be highlighted as green, while Suppressed values will be grayed out.



Using rules

  1. From the Plot subtab, click Suppress on the upper-right side of the table.

  2. Wait for the Suppress Plot Data modal window to appear. Select the trait that you want to suppress.

  3. Click Add Rule. These rules will be used to find which plot data to suppress.


  1. Modify the rules based on the provided columns. You may refer to the dropdown menu below for additional information. Then, click Suppress.

  • Conjunction - describes how one or more rules interact with each other; values are “AND” or “OR”

  • Trait - drop-down menu where you can select which trait you want the rules to be applied to

  • Operator - describes the relationship between the selected trait and indicated value

  • Value - describes the desired value of the trait; the value must be an integer

  • Suppress Remarks - a text field that describes the reason for suppressing the plot data

  • Actions - an option to delete the suppress rules


  1. Once satisfied with the selected trait data to be suppressed, click Apply and wait to be directed to the Plot subtab.

You have successfully suppressed your data! Unsuppressed data will be highlighted as green, while suppressed data will be highlighted as brown.


Unsuppress data

If you want to unsuppress plot data, you can do so by selecting individual plots/traits. Remember that you can only unsuppress data that has already been suppressed.

  1. From the Plot subtab, locate the plot data that you want to unsuppress and tick the checkbox ().

  2. Click Unsuppress on the upper-right side of the table.


  1. Wait for the Suppress Plot Data modal window to appear. Select the trait that you want to unsuppress. and click Unsuppress.


  1. Once satisfied with the selected trait data to be suppressed, click Apply and wait to be directed to the Plot subtab.


Great job! You’re done managing your dataset and are now ready to complete the transaction.


Complete the transaction

The Complete Transaction tab provides a table of the summarized values for each variable/trait available in the dataset. It provides a quick view of the statistical values (e.g. Min, Max, Avg), invalid or voided values, and records of suppressed values.

After reviewing your dataset and suppressing any data if required, you are now ready to complete the transaction. Completing the transaction means that your validated data will be committed to the experiment as operational data. You will no longer be able to modify the data after committing it.

1. From the Quality Control page, click the Complete Transaction tab.

2. Review the summary of the transaction based on what you have changed in the dataset.


3. Once ready, click Complete on the lower right of the screen.


4. Wait for the modal dialog to appear. Click Confirm.


5. Wait to be directed to the Data Collection tool where the status of your transaction is now set to COMMITTED. You can now see all your committed transactions.


6. You may also download the dataset before completing the transaction by clicking the Download Dataset button at the lower right corner.

Great job! You’ve completed your transaction and have finished conducting quality control. Remember that you can repeat the data collection process to add data over time. After data collection, you may start a new experiment or generate seed or germplasm records using the Harvest Manager tool.