Create a packing job

Create a packing job


The Planting Instructions Manager is a stand-alone tool that can be accessed through the dashboard or left navigation. However, when creating a packing job, you will have to access it via Experiment Manager first as it is in Experiment Manager where you will select the occurrence/s for which you’ll create a packing job.

Create a packing job

1. Go to Experiment Manager.


2. Tick the checkbox(es) beside the occurrence/s you wish to create a packing job for. Note that you cannot create a packing job for occurrences that are already planted or for those that have a packing job transaction already.

You can do a packing job for multiple occurrences of different experiments


3. On the upper right, click (1) Access breeding tools () > (2) Planting Instructions Manager > (3) Create Packing Job.


4. A confirmation message will appear showing the number of occurrences for which you’ll create a packing job. To proceed with the creation of the packing job, click Confirm.


You will then be directed to the Planting Instructions Manager browser, specifically in the Envelopes tab. From here, you may start providing information to create your packing job transaction.


Provide envelope information

From the Experiment Manager, you will be directed to the Envelopes tab of the Planting Instructions Manager where you’ll see that the occurrences are grouped by experiments. On this tab, you can specify the quantities of your occurrence's seeds per envelope, its unit, and the number of envelopes per plot.

Update a single occurrence

If you are updating one occurrence at a time, you may provide the values on the fields. Whatever you input will be automatically saved.







Update multiple occurrences in bulk

You may update multiple occurrences at once.

1. Tick the checkboxes of the occurrences whose values you wish to update. On the upper right, click the Bulk update () button.


2. Once a pop-up window appears, specify the variable and the value.


3. Once done, click either Selected to update selected occurrence/s or All.

Once you're good with everything in the Envelopes tab, click Next on the upper right corner of the browser.


Manage entries

From the Envelopes tab, you’ll be directed to the Entry Management tab where you can check whether there are sufficient seeds in the inventory for the requested job. If entries have insufficient seeds, you may replace them with a check, another package, a filler, or germplasm.

You cannot proceed to the next tab as long as there is one entry with an insufficient amount of seeds.

If all entries have sufficient seeds, you may proceed to the next tab by clicking Next on the upper right corner of the browser.


Replace individual entries

On the Entry Management tab, you will be informed whether you have entries that have insufficient seeds. If this is the case, you may replace the entry with a check or with another package.


1. In the Replace column, click the Replace button on the entry that has insufficient seeds.

Make sure you check the required amount of seeds under the Required column so you can choose a replacement with one that has enough amount of seeds.


2. On the modal window, choose whether you’d like to replace the package with a check, filler, package, or germplasm. Then, click Next.


3. Tick the of the entry you want to use as a replacement. You may view the dropdown menu below for the specific steps in replacing entries according to selected options. Once done, click Next.

Tick the of the check you want to use as a replacement.

Tick the of the filler package you want to use as a replacement.

Tick the of the package you want to use as a replacement.

1. Select the type of values that you want to search from the dropdown menu.


2. After that, type in the value that you want to search. Then, click Search.


3. You will be greeted with the list of germplasm from the search results. Click the of the germplasm and click Next.


4. In another modal window, you will see the information about the original entry and the replaced entry. Then, click Confirm.


5. The browser should reflect a green button with Replaced and the status of the entry should reflect Sufficient as well.

Once done, click Next in the upper right corner of the browser.


Replace entries in bulk

For entries with the same germplasm, you may replace the entries in bulk.

1. Tick the checkboxes of the entries with the same germplasm that you want to update. Click the Bulk replace entries () button and select the replacement options listed.


2. You may view the expanding tab with the details about the germplasm name and parentage of the selected entries.


3. Tick the options button of the entry you want to use as a replacement. Then, click Next.


4. You will now see the information about the original entry and the replaced entry. Then, click Confirm.


5. The browser should reflect a green button with Replaced and the status of the entry should reflect Sufficient as well.

Once done, click Next in the upper right corner of the browser.


Review & submit

The Review and Submit tab allows you to view the summary of the packing job transaction and the details of the experiment’s packing job before you finally submit your transaction.

1. To view the summary of the experiment’s packing job, below the Packing Job Summary section, click on the experiment name header to expand its section.


2. On the Additional Instructions tab, you may also specify the planting job due date, packing job facility, and packing job instructions.


3. Once satisfied with the summary, click Submit.


4. On the confirmation message that appears, click Confirm.


You will be directed to the Planting Instructions Manager browser where your packing job transaction’s status should reflect ready for packing.

Great job! You’ve created your first packing job transaction. If you are not able to complete the process, edit your packing job transaction to continue its creation.