Manage crosses

Manage crosses


The Manage Crosses tab lets you update the added crosses and review them before finalizing them.

Remove crosses

1. Click the checkboxes of the crosses you want to remove.

2. On the right side, click Remove > either Remove selected or Remove all.


3. A modal window will appear to confirm the action. Then, click Confirm.


Update entry information

1. Click the checkboxes of the crosses you want to update.

2. On the right side, click Bulk Update.


3. On the Bulk Update modal window, select a variable and specify its value. You may refer to the drop-down below for the choices.

The cross method is automatically detected and populated based on the parents. If there are methods not specified, these are the only ones that the user will input.


test cross

double cross

single cross


complex cross

genome editing

three-way cross

hybrid formation

cms multiplication


4. Click Selected to apply updates to your selected crosses. Otherwise, click All to apply updates to all your crosses.


5. Wait for the notification to appear in the upper right corner. Repeat steps 1-4 as necessary. Afterward, click Close.

6. Once done, click Next to proceed to the next tab.

Great job! Now that you have managed your crosses, you can now finalize them.