Provide request service

Provide request service



The Services tab lets you select the service type, select the appropriate laboratory or service team, and specify the purpose of the request. The options may differ based on the institution or organization and the specific laboratory or service team involved.

Service Type - the general service type to be requested like genotyping analysis, seed health analysis, quality analysis, material transfer, or pathology testing

Service Laboratory - the internal service unit where the selected service type will be triaged or processed

Purpose - the high-level business needs that the service has to address

Service - the specific service or product name, corresponding to a specific vendor catalog product or service identifier


1. Select the information about the service by clicking the options from the dropdown menu.


2. Select the purpose of the request from the Purpose dropdown button.

The list of genotyping services differs for each laboratory per institution. The dropdown button below only shows a few examples of these services under the selected service laboratory and they don’t make up all the services available in the Request Manager.

The information below only shows few examples of these purpose under the selected service laboratory and they don’t make up all the services available in the Request Manager.





Background Selection

If your purpose is background selection, consider specific marker panels or genomic regions.


For fingerprinting, select suitable marker panels and data analysis methods.

Genomic Selection

Genomic selection requires specific marker panels and prediction models.

Hybridity Testing

Hybridity testing may involve using specific marker panels to assess genetic diversity.

Marker-Assisted Forward Breeding

For marker-assisted forward breeding, select markers associated with the desired traits.

Parental Purity Testing

Parental purity testing can use marker panels to assess genetic variation within parent lines.

QTL Mapping

QTL mapping requires specific marker panels and statistical methods.

QTL Profiling

QTL profiling may involve using specific marker panels to identify quantitative trait loci.

Quality Control

QTL profiling may involve using specific marker panels to identify quantitative trait loci.

Trait/Foreground Selection

Trait/foreground selection may involve using marker panels to select for specific traits.


3. Based on the sample GSL purpose above, the requestor will be provided additional options to Identify the relevant Marker Group/Trait Category.


The View icon lets the requestor see detailed information about the selected marker group.


4. Once done, click Next.

Great job! You may now review your requested service.