Perform internal seed transfer

Perform internal seed transfer


Since access to seed sources is restricted to the owning program, seed sharing or internal seed transfer is a frequent activity among programs or teams. In the Seed Transfer tab in the Inventory Manager, they can now send and receive packages internally to programs of the same crop.


Before doing this, you must remember these conditions in selecting packages for transfer:

  1. The packages must contain only one unit of measurement. This means that all entries must have the same unit of measurement, whether that be in grams, kilograms, or the number of seeds, plants, or panicles.

  2. All packages must belong to one program. All packages for transfer must be “owned” or managed by one program and not from a combination of two or more programs.

  3. Lastly, the user must be a team member of the program owning/managing the packages. Only team members of the owning program can perform seed transfers.

Let’s begin the internal seed transfer!


Create seed transfer transaction

1. From the Seed Transfer browser, click Create.


2. On the Internal Seed Transfer: Create modal window, select first the package list that you will send.


3. More information will appear in the modal window such as the sender program and the receiver program. Select the receiver program from the drop-down menu.

The sender program owns the package to be transferred while the receiver program accepts it.


4. You have the option to send either a partial or complete package quantity. Once done, click Confirm.


5. If you click No, you will be asked to specify the package quantity and package unit. Once done, click Confirm.

You can send packages with 0 seeds. The system will create a log that reserves the needed quantities for transfer.


6. Finally, your internal seed transfer has been created. Your transaction will now change to created status.


7. You may also view the details of the transaction by clicking the View seed transfer () icon beside it.


8. In the Seed Transfer Details modal window, you will see the basic information about the package and the audit information that describes the transaction history.


Manage seed transfer transaction

After creating the transactions, users can manage them by sending, receiving, or deleting them depending on the role of the member of a certain program.

Send seed transfer

If the member is from the sender program (e.g. Rice program), the next step will be sending the transaction to the receiver program.

1. Click the Send seed transfer ( ) icon beside the created transaction.


2. You will be greeted with the modal window confirming the transaction. Click Send.


3. Your transaction is finally sent to the receiver program. It’s status will be changed to sent.


Receive seed transfer

If the member is from the receiver program (e.g. Medium Maturity program), their task is to accept the transaction from the sender program.

1. Click the Receive seed transfer ( ) from the sent transaction.


1. You will be greeted with the modal window confirming the transaction. Optionally, you can select the facility and sub-facility from the drop-down menus. Click Receive.


2. You successfully received the transaction. Its status will be changed to Received.


The member of the sender program will also see the Received status once the package is received.


3. You may click the View seed transfer () icon to view the updated transaction.


4. In the Seed Transfer Details modal window, you will see the basic information and the complete audit information with details about the sender and the receiver.

You may check the transferred package by clicking View Received Packages. You will view the package details with the updated seed manager column.


Delete seed transfer transaction

You may also delete your transactions in the Inventory Manager. However, only transactions that were not yet sent can be deleted.

1. Click the Delete seed transfer () icon beside the transaction.


2. You will be greeted with the modal window confirming the deletion. Click Confirm.

Only the transaction record will be deleted, not the packages in the system.


Print reports

1. In the Inventory Manager browser, click the View () button beside one of the seed transfer transactions.


2. From the Seed Transfer Details modal window, click the Printout () button.


3. Choose the template and the file type from the Printouts modal window. Then, click Download. The file will now be saved on your device.

Great job! You have successfully completed your internal seed transfer.