Review a template and connection

Review a template and connection


Before you can deploy your template to EBS tools, you must first test its connection and see if the elements and data sources are returning the desired information using Print Preview.

Preview a printout template

  1. On the main toolbar, click Preview.


2. In the Preview Parameters column, input an occurrence ID. Click Submit.

You can input any sample occurrence ID to test if the tags or labels will return the correct information on your template.


3. The Print Preview tool will display the Printout version of the template you designed. This step provides you with a document showing how the final output will look like when printed.

If no data is returned for your sample occurrence, it means that your template is not properly connected to a data source or connection.


Sort a printout template

Some printouts will have a hundred pages and more. It will be important that these documents are printed in an order specified by the user.


  1. Using the Designer Mode, go to Properties.

  2. Set the page to Detail1 (Detail) from the drop-down menu.

3. On the Properties column, click (1) Data > (2) Sort Fields > (3) icon.

4. A Sort By field will be added. You can choose how the pages will be arranged by selecting Data from the drop-down menu and Order using the right-most button ().


5. Click Preview on the main toolbar to see the applied changes in sorting.

6. To view multiple pages at once, click Multipage Mode and adjust the Page Size.

Awesome! You can now generate and print pages from your template by accessing these EBS tools!