Harvest Manager

Harvest Manager


The harvest activity at the end of a planting season requires a significant amount of data to be captured and created. First, the user has to specify the harvest date, method, and how the new materials have to be identified and/or categorized. Next, depending on the nature of the experiment, additional data have to be collected. Examples would be moisture content and yield data. Lastly, the new materials have to be labeled, packed, and stored.

The Harvest Manager tool allows users to:

  • Record harvest data for completed occurrences;

  • Harvest from crosses, plots, and self-crosses;

  • Create new germplasm, seed lot, and package records; and

  • Create lists from newly generated records. 

At the end of EBS, the Harvest Manager is now able to harvest from all experiments types but may have limitations on the supported harvest methods for crosses. Let’s get you started!

Getting started

The Harvest Manager can be accessed as a stand-alone tool through the dashboard or left navigation or as an integrated tool in the Experiment Manager. If you are harvesting multiple occurrences, launch the Harvest Manager through the Experiment Manager. Otherwise, you can search individual occurrences through the search tool built within the tool directly.

Access via the Experiment Manager

1. From the Experiment Manager browser, find the occurrences that are ready for harvest.

2. Select it by ticking the checkbox on the left-most column.

3. In the data browser toolbar, click Access breeding tools () and select Harvest Manager from the drop-down menu.

You can also Harvest Plots or Harvest Crosses by clicking one of the tabs under Harvest Manager. It will redirect to Plots/Crosses subtabs.


You will be automatically redirected to the Harvest Data tab. To update information about your occurrence, click on the Occurrence tab.


Access the tool directly

1. Open the left navigation panel by clicking the navigation icon Show left nav () or Alt + L.


2. From there, select Harvest Manager.


3. You will be redirected to the Harvest Manager landing page.

Great job! You’ve successfully navigated to the Harvest Manager tool. If you accessed the tool via the Experiment Manager, you can skip to adding your harvest data. Otherwise, let’s get started on loading your plot data!