Map an occurrence

Map an occurrence


In EBS, occurrences must first be associated with an operational location to be able to store collected trait data. To do this, breeders must map an occurrence to a location and commit it for planting.

Let’s get you started on mapping an occurrence!

Map an occurrence

Mapping an occurrence allows breeders to provide the planting arrays for a specific plot/location. There are two ways you can map an occurrence - generate a location or provide custom planting arrays.

Generate a location

If you indicated a field layout during the experiment creation, you can generate a new location according to that planting array.

1. In the experiment manager browser, go to the row of your selected occurrence. Then on the left side of the row, click the Generate location () button.


2. Wait for a pop-up window entitled Generate Location for [name of occurrence] to appear. Provide the Location Steward and Location Name. You may also provide a description of the location.


3. Once satisfied, click Next.


You can set the field and planting area coordinates to be the same as the design coordinates by ticking the checkbox on the lower right side of the modal window.


4. Wait for the pop-up window to load the generated location and planting arrays. After reviewing the layout, click Confirm. You will be taken back to the experiment manager browser, where it will show your mapped occurrence.

If you would like to make changes to the planting array, click Cancel and provide custom planting arrays.


Provide custom planting arrays

If you did not indicate a field layout during the experiment creation or you would like to use a different layout, you can provide your planting arrays or generate one using the KDXplore tool. The steps include (1) downloading your mapping files, (2) designing the planting arrays, and (3) uploading them to the Experiment Manager.

Download the design array of the occurrence.

The first step is to download the mapping files from an occurrence. You may download them either from the selected occurrence or from the toolbar.

Download from an occurrence

On the left side of the selected occurrence row, click Download files () > Mapping file (CSV). Your file will be saved immediately to your local device.

Download from the browser tool

Tick the checkbox at the left side of the selected occurrence. Go to the upper right portion of the experiment manager browser and click Download files ()> Mapping files (CSV or JSON).


Create a custom design array

The next step is to create the custom array design from the downloaded files. You can create one using KDXplore or from the CSV files.

Using KDXplore

KDXplore is an external tool that can be used complementary to the EBS. You may refer to this guide in setting up and using the tool.

You can export the mapping files as either CSV or JSON. Both are supported by KDXplore.

Using (CSV) files

Open the CSV file on your device and update the following columns: PA_X, PA_Y, FIELD_X, and FIELD_Y. Then, save your changes and keep the file format as CSV.

Note: PA_X and FIELD_X must match, along with PA_Y and FIELD_Y


1, After updating the design arrays, go back to the Experiment Manager and click the Upload button.

2. From the drop-down menu beside Upload, click Mapped plots.


3. Wait for a Upload mapped plots modal window to appear. In the top left corner of the modal window, click the button to select whether you are uploading design arrays for a new or existing location.


Provide the required mapping information

The last step is to provide the mapping information from the updated design arrays. You may either upload it in an existing location or a new location.

Existing location

1. Toggle to Existing location.

2. In the bottom left corner of the pop-up window, click Browse. Locate and select the CSV file you made during the previous steps.


New location

1. Toggle to New location.

2. Provide the Location name and Location steward. You may also provide a description.


3. In the bottom left corner of the pop-up window, click Browse.


4. Locate and select the CSV file you made during the previous steps. After that, in the bottom left corner of the pop-up window, click Validate.

You cannot proceed if there are no available locations with the same year, season, and site. If this happens, click the button to upload arrays for a new location.


5. Wait for the modal window to load the location and planting arrays that will be generated. After reviewing the layout, click Confirm. You will then be taken back to the experiment manager browser, where it will show your mapped occurrence.

Great job! You’ve successfully mapped your occurrence. Take note of the occurrence status. Initially, it is set to created, but once you generate a location, it will be set to mapped. Let’s continue and commit your occurrence!

You may update your mapping coordinates to an already PLANTED occurrence by re-uploading your mapped plots to an existing location.


Commit an occurrence

Committing an occurrence indicates that your mapping of the location is final, and the occurrence is now ready for implementation. Once an occurrence is committed, its information cannot be changed and breeders can start collecting trait data.

1. In the experiment manager browser, go to the row of your mapped occurrence. On the left side of the row, click the Commit occurrence () button.

This button will only be visible if your occurrence status is mapped. Refer to the section above on how to map your occurrence.


2. A confirmation message will appear notifying you that committed occurrences cannot be modified and that mapped locations will be operational. Click Confirm if you agree.

Great job! You’ve successfully committed your occurrence. Let’s move on to the next step which is to prepare the occurrence for data collection.