Launch other tools

Launch other tools


Users can perform other tools available in Experiment Manager such as performing crosses, accessing harvest data, printing tags, and sharing experiments with collaborators. They are useful in organizing your data and managing occurrences.

Let’s get started in exploring other Experiment Manager tools.

Access Harvest Manager

While the Harvest Manager can be accessed as a stand-alone tool, it can also be accessed through the Experiment Manager. You may use the tool if you have multiple occurrences.

1. From the Experiment Manager browser, find the PLANTED occurrence that is ready for harvest. Select it by ticking the checkbox on the left-most column.

2. In the data browser toolbar, click Access breeding tools () and select Harvest Manager from the drop-down menu.

You can also Harvest Plots or Harvest Crosses by clicking one of the tabs under Harvest Manager. It will redirect to either Plots or Crosses subtabs.


3. You will be automatically redirected to the Harvest Data tab. You may now manage your harvest data using Harvest Manager.


Access Phenotypic Data Manager

The Phenotypic Data Manager is a tool in the Breeding Analytics domain that lets you evaluate your phenotypic data before sending them for analysis. While the tool can be accessed independently, it can also be accessed through the Experiment Manager.

1. From the Experiment Manager browser, find an occurrence that is ready for phenotypic data review. Select it by ticking the checkbox on the leftmost column.

2. In the data browser toolbar, click Access breeding tools () and select Phenotypic Data Manager from the drop-down menu.


3. You will be automatically redirected to the Phenotypic Data Manager browser. You may start evaluating your data.


Access Planting Instructions Manager

While the Planting Instructions Manager can be accessed as a standalone tool, users must first go to Experiment Manager to start creating their packing jobs.

1. From the Experiment Manager browser, find the occurrence(s) that is ready for the packing job. Select it by ticking the checkbox on the left-most column.

You cannot create a packing job for occurrences that are already PLANTED nor for those that have a packing job transaction already

  1. In the data browser toolbar, click the Breeding tools () icon and select Planting Instructions Manager > Create Packing Job from the drop-down menu.


  1. A confirmation message will appear showing the number of occurrences for which you’ll create a packing job. To proceed with the creation of the packing job, click Confirm.


4. You will then be directed to the Planting Instructions Manager browser, specifically in the Envelopes tab. From here, you may start providing information to create your packing job transaction.


Print tags

Users print tags and labels for their occurrences. In the Experiment Manager, you can assign templates and download the tags before printing.

1. In the Experiment Manager table, click the checkbox(es) of the occurrence(s). Then, click the Printouts () button.


2. In the Printouts modal window, choose the occurrence, template, and file type.


3. Once done, click Download.


4. The file will now be downloaded and saved on your device.

Great job! You can now manage your experiments! You may proceed with your data collection and manage your harvests.