SM 2024

SM 2024


EBS Demo env't header.gif

The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.

2024 Quarter 4

Create a genotyping request for more samples.

Users can now create a genotyping request with up to 50,000 samples. Depending on the number of items in the selected list, users can now define the Number of Samples per Item, provided that the Total Entities do not exceed 50,000 samples. Previously, only 20,000 samples can be created per request.

Download result files in .csv format.

You can download the results of any genotyping request with the results ready status. In this version, you can now expect to download a CSV file that includes the sampleIDs, germplasmIDs, and marker names as row and column headers.

The tools is renamed.

The previously known “Genotyping Service Manager” now sports the new tool name, Genotypic Request Manager, to better reflect the scope of its functionalities.

Manage a genotyping request with more samples.

Lab managers can now manage a genotyping request with up to 50,000 samples. Once approved, this request can also be used to Create a Batch. A warning message will also be shown when a request with more than 50,000 samples is used to create a batch. Previously, each request can only have up to 20,000 samples.

Bug fix

The bug causing Lab Managers to be redirected to the Request Manager tool when creating a new request is now fixed. Given their user role, lab managers can now create requests via GRM.

Create a batch whose genotyping request/s has more samples.

Lab managers can now manage a batch with genotyping request/s containing up to 50,000 samples. Previously, each request can only have up to 20,000 samples.

Bug fix

You can now encounter no errors when:

  1. generating the Scriptoria genotyping report for the Maize, Legumes, and Dryland Crops Production (DCP) programs, such that the samples are correctly sorted. The error is rectified by uploading this file to the Printout tool in Core System,

  2. uploading result files,

  3. downloading vendor forms, and

  4. printing plant sample labels.

Create allele for a marker group.

When creating an allele, users need to select a marker group and its marker/s for the assay. For the former, a drop-down menu lists all applicable markers based on the marker group selection. Users can browse through these markers or quickly filter it by providing the marker’s first few letters.

2024 Quarter 3

The user interface is upgraded.

Users of SM tools can now expect a better user interface in terms of overall style and responsiveness.

Bug fix

The sorting functionality on SM tool data browsers now work accordingly.

2024 Quarter 2

2024 Quarter 1

Version 24.03.26

Version 24.02.28

For questions or concerns, please file a support ticket via the EBS Support Desk. We look forward to hearing from you!