Manage single-occurrence analysis requests

Manage single-occurrence analysis requests

BA Tools (1).png


View request results

  1. From the data browser, click the expand button ( > ) beside one of the created requests to view the different jobs within that request. Then, click the View () button on one of the jobs under that request to see the results of the single-occurrence analysis. The View button will only appear if the request status is open (or ready for each job) or closed (orfinalized for each job).

An analysis request may consist of one or more jobs. One job is one analysis of a trait.



  1. The browser will show the jobs or the generated analysis results for a selected occurrence per trait. The left panel shows the list of jobs, the job statuses, the occurrences selected for analysis, and the traits used. Meanwhile, the right panel shows the job outputs or the results for the active job, which is the selected job from the left.


  1. To switch between jobs, click one from the List of Jobs panel.

The analysis results in the Jobs Outputs panel will be displayed for jobs with ready or finalized status.


Manage job outputs

The Job Outputs panel displays the statistical analysis and data visualizations related to the selected job. The panel is divided into five tabs.

Manage residuals

  1. The Table of Residuals tab shows the data used in the analysis and the residuals.


  1. You can also view the possible outliers and suppressed data through the color-coded keys above the table. The possible outliers are written in orange highlight while the suppressed values are written in gray highlight.


  1. You may also filter the data by viewing the possible outliers and/or the suppressed data. Click the Filter icon () above the table and Select Show possible outliers only and/or Show suppressed data only. You may also tick the checkbox () above to select both options.


Suppress individual data

You can also suppress these values by right-clicking on one of the cells and selecting Suppress. To undo this step, right-click on the cell and select Unsuppress.


Suppress bulk data

There are two ways to suppress multiple data: bulk suppressing the possible outliers or selecting the data before suppressing.

  1. To suppress all possible outliers, click the Edit button and select Suppress all possible outliers.


  1. To suppress all selected data, click the checkbox () of the data to be suppressed. Then, click the Edit button and select Suppress all selected data points.


View analysis parameters

The Analysis Parameters tab displays the descriptive statistics and other statistical data related to the selected trait data. Click the dropdown button to view the columns listed in the table.

Coefficient of variation (CV)





Quartile 1

Quartile 3





Manage residual plots

  1. The Residual Plots tab shows three visualizations to analyze the residuals such as the histogram, scatter plot, and QQ plot.


  1. Select the area to zoom in by dragging a box on the histogram or the QQ plot. Double-click the graph to zoom out.


  1. You may also adjust the display of your scatter plot by navigating the tools above. Click on the dropdown menu for the list of tools.

Download plot as a PNG - saves the scatter plot to the device in a PNG format


Zoom - zooms into a specific area of the scatter plot. Drag-select the area to zoom in; double-click to zoom out


Pan - moves the scatter plot by dragging the area


Box select - draws a box selection on an area of the scatter plot and selects it


 Lasso select - draws a polygonal selection on an area of the histogram and selects it


Zoom in - increases the scale of the scatter plot


Zoom out - decreases the scale of the scatter plot


Autoscale - sets to the scatter plot’s default size


Reset axes - resets the scatter plot back to its original place


Manage heatmaps

The Heatmaps tab displays the heatmap of the residuals of the active job. You may still adjust the display of the heatmaps through the tools available. Click on the dropdown menu to view the tools

Download plot as a PNG - saves the heatmap to the device in a PNG format


Zoom - zooms into a specific area of the heatmap. Drag-select the area to zoom in; double-click to zoom out


Pan - moves the heatmap by dragging the area


Zoom in - increases the scale of the heatmap


Zoom out - decreases the scale of the heatmap


Autoscale - sets to the heatmap’s default size


Reset axes - resets the heatmap back to its original place




Review BLUEs predictions

The Predictions tab displays the BLUEs (Best Linear Unbiased Estimates) prediction and other results related to each trait. You may review the predictions by searching for the values or sorting them.

Once you have managed the analysis job outputs and viewed the data visualizations, you can then decide if you want to reanalyze the changes made, finalize, or void the results.


Reanalyze results

The Reanalyze button will be enabled if you make changes to your data such as suppressing the values. Clicking this button will perform the Single Occurrence Analysis on the revised data.

  1. To do this, click Reanalyze on the Job Outputs panel.


  1. You will be brought back to the Analysis Request Manager data browser. The status of the job will also shift from ready to processing.


  1. Once done, the analysis will then be changed again to ready. Click the View button () to see the results from the updated data.


Finalize results

Once the results are reviewed and no changes will be made, it is ready to be finalized.

  1. To do this, click Finalize on the Job Outputs panel.


  1. A modal window will notify you that your experiment will be finalized and you can no longer change the values or the status of the results. Click Finalize & Continue.


  1. The Analysis Results browser will load again with the recent analysis job’s status changed to finalized. The next analysis job with the ready will be loaded next.


  1. When you reach the last analysis job and click Finalize, a modal window will let you choose between staying in the analysis jobs browser or going back to the Analysis Request Manager browser.


  1. If you select Finalize, all the finalized analysis jobs will appear under the List of Jobs panel and you will remain on the same browser.


  1. If you select Finalize & Back to ARM, you will be brought back to the Analysis Request Manager data browser and all the finalized analysis jobs will appear under the request.


Once you have finalized your analysis, you cannot make changes to it anymore and only the filter button is enabled.


Void analysis

Marking an analysis job as void means you are canceling the results and you will not use them in your experiments.

  1. To do so, click Void on the Job Outputs panel.


  1. A modal window will notify you that the analysis will be canceled and you can no longer change the values or the status of the result. Click Void & Continue.


  1. The selected analysis job’s status will be changed to void from the list of jobs.


  1. Also from the Analysis Request Manager browser, the job’s status will be void


Download analysis report

You can download the results file for each of the single-occurrence analysis job/s with the status FINALIZED and save it in your local drive.

To do this, click the Download button () beside the selected analysis request. There will be a notification showing the name of the request that is downloading. Once done, a compressed file (.zip) format containing the job outputs and other valuable data will be saved to your device.

Great job! You have successfully managed your single-occurrence analysis requests. You may also continue the analysis by sending the SOA results for multi-occurrence analysis and managing them.