Create multi-occurrence analysis requests

Create multi-occurrence analysis requests

BA Tools (3).png


Before you create a multi-occurrence analysis (MOA) request, make sure that you have our finalized single-occurrence analysis (SOA) results prepared. From the Analysis Request Manager browser, click the dropdown button beside Request analysis and select Multi-occurrence.



Select traits from multiple transactions

The Experiments tab displays the list of experiments with single-occurrence analysis results and the traits used in the analysis. Under each experiment are the occurrences with closed single-occurrence analysis (SOA) results and the analysis jobs per trait, which will be selected for multi-occurrence analysis (MOA).



  1. Click the expand ( > ) button beside each experiment.



  1. Tick the checkbox () beside the occurrence to automatically display and select the latest finalized jobs under each trait column under that occurrence.

Automatically selecting all finalized jobs under each trait column.gif

The minimum requirement for generating MOA results is selecting two or more analysis jobs of the same trait, but users can still add single job inputs from different traits to be included in the MOA request.


You may skip this step and still select the analysis jobs by clicking the dropdown button under the trait columns.



  1. Once done selecting the traits, click Next.



Generate multi-occurrence analysis results

The Options tab shows two ways of generating the multi-occurrence analysis results. You have the option to download the SOA results and use them for generating MOA outside EBS; or to proceed to the second step of MOA directly in EBS, with H2 upper and lower bound threshold.


Extract SOA results

The Extract Data option allows you to download the BLUEs, BLUPs, or Analysis Metrics, and use them for generating MOA results outside EBS.

  1. Click the radio button () beside either BLUEs, BLUPs or Analysis Metrics, or click the checkbox () beside Extract Data to select both.



  1. After selecting, click Submit To download the SOA results and request for MOA.



  1. After clicking submit, you will be redirected to the Analysis Request Manager browser as the results finish saving.



  1. The multi-occurrence analysis results will be saved as compressed CSV files in your local storage.



Proceed to second step of MOA

The Multi-Occurrence Analysis [2nd Step] option lets you view the analysis results in the ARM browser. You can also define the Heritability (H2) lower and upper bound threshold with default values of 0.2 and 0.95.

  1. Click the checkbox (image-20240403-162101.png) beside the Multi-Occurrence Analysis [2nd Step].



  1. Select the H2 Threshold upper bound and lower bound.

Values for the upper bound and lower bound should be 0 to 1



  1. After selecting, Click Submit



  1. After submitting you will be redirected to the Analysis Request Manager browser where you can View the results from the results page or Download the results to your device.



After clicking the View button beside the multi-occurrence request, you can view the Analysis Parameters and Predictions results under each trait.


Great job! You have successfully generated your multi-occurrence analysis requests.