Process shipment (SHU)


After the clients submit their shipment transactions, they will now be processed by Seed Health Unit or SHU. If you are part of SHU, your role is to review and process the shipment transactions submitted by clients. The processing will be done in Shipment Tool as well. However, some functions in the tool are available for SHU only.

Review Basic Info

The SHU will review the shipment information provided by the client, verify the SHU Reference Number, and set its shipment status.

1. Look for the shipment transaction to be processed and click the Process Shipment icon.

The Process Shipment icon can only be seen and used by SHU.


2. Under the Basic Info tab, you will see two sections. The first section contains the fields to be provided by SHU while the second section contains the shipment information provided by the client.


3. Provide the necessary information about the submitted transaction and then update the shipment status accordingly. Refer to the dropdown below for the choices.







4. Once done, click Save.


Review Entries

The SHU will review the shipment items provided by the client. As SHU, you will make sure that the shipment items are consistent with the submitted shipping documents. Any comments from SHU will be communicated to the clients.

1. Click the Entries tab.


2. If there are items to be removed or set as failed, you can click to delete the item or click to set the status of an item as failed.


3. You can use other tools in the toolbar to manage the shipment items like bulk delete and view MLS ancestry.


4. You may also download your shipment items and adjust your browser view using Download CSV and Personalized grid setting tools.


Review Documents

The SHU will review the documents uploaded by the client. Make sure that the complete documents were uploaded correctly.

1. Click the Documents tab. You may either click to download them or click to delete them.


2. You can generate a MTA document in the rightmost section of the data browser. Tick the applicable option and write the SMTA ID. You can choose the document type between Shrink Wrap or Signed. You can also choose between No MTA or Other MTA. Once done, click Generate.

Great job! SHU has already processed the shipment transaction. The clients may now view the updated status of their shipment transaction in the Shipment Tool.