BA Milestone 6

BA Milestone 6

The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.


  • You can now access other domains and favorite apps in the tool’s menu bar.

  • The tool also features an improved data browser.

    • Pagination and input page number is enabled, especially useful for occurrences with large datasets.

    • You can also set the number of rows per page.

    • Data columns can be hidden and displayed using the icon.

  • You can now also expand or collapse the Stats table.

    • Three new columns are included in the table.


  • Quick suppression of more plot trait data is now possible 1) by plot and 2) by trait.

  • To undo any changes made, you can unsuppress plot trait data by right-clicking on a cell or reset to the last saved data via the Edit button.


  • You can proceed to finalize any questionable or unsuppressed trait data and save these data as good using the button.

  • After saving all changes, plot traits that have undergone quality control will have a column header highlighted in green.

  • All trait variables, including integers, of an occurrence can now be selected for analysis in the Response Variables drop-down menu.

  • To inform users, integer data-type variables are noted in a separate column in the downloaded analysis result files when these are included in the analysis.

  • Validation of uploaded randomization results files that were generated outside EBS is now supported in the Core Breeding domain’s Experiment Creation tool.

    • The supported designs are RCBD, Augmented RCBD, and P-REP.

    • Validation rules also regard plot coordinates as optional headers for uploaded randomization files.


  • You can now suppress detected outliers in bulk.

  • Plots with suppressed and outlier trait data can now be filtered.

  • Saving suppressed plot trait data is now faster.

  • Validation is now available for uploaded Row-Column randomization result files generated outside EBS.




For questions or concerns, please file a support ticket via the EBS Support Desk. We look forward to hearing from you!