Selection of experiment occurrences for single-occurrence analysis (SOA) requests is improved.
This version improves on the experiments and occurrences listed in the Experiments tab. Specifically, you can now:
Select occurrences using the unspecified design. You can now use occurrences from Breeding Trial experiments using the Unspecified design to create a SOA request. From the ARM data browser, request for a SOA. Select the occurrence from the Experiments tab and choose the traits you want to request analyses for. Once done, click Submit to send your request. Wait for the results by monitoring the job statuses in the ARM data browser.
Add more occurrences to your SOA request. This feature lets you select occurrence/s in the same experiment and add them to your current SOA request. To do this, check the quality of your trait data in PDM. After you quality-check (QC) at least one (1) trait in PDM, you can now proceed to Analyze your occurrence in ARM. You will be redirected to ARM’s Experiments tab, where all your experiment’s occurrences are listed. Here, the current occurrence is already selected, but you can select more for inclusion in your current SOA request.
Selection of jobs for multi-occurrence analysis requests (MOA) is enhanced.
In preparation to support MOA requests soon, a better display of all finalized jobs in the Experiments tab is now featured. From the ARM data browser, request for a MOA. The job IDs for each analyzed trait is now housed in a drop-down menu. Select the jobs analyzing the same trait from at least two (2) different occurrences. You can unselect a job for a trait by choosing the “---” option. Additionally, a tool tip is shown when you hover your cursor over each job. This shows the date and time the job was finalized.
Bug fixes
You can expect to encounter no errors when:
filtering the SOA and MOA Experiments tab data browsers and expanding each experiment to show occurrence/s, and
voiding the last job in a request, which will automatically redirect you to the ARM data browser.