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CS 2024

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The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.

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2024 Quarter 3

 Contact Relationship Manager (CRM)

Creation and update of contacts are upgraded.

To facilitate a better user experience, improvements are implemented on the following features:

  1. Names. Special characters, such as punctuations, are now allowed when specifying names of new and existing contacts.


  2. Addresses. A delete ((blue star)) icon is enabled so you can remove an address from a contact. This applies only when there are changes to the primary address specified for a contact.


  3. Add Information. An improved error message is now displayed when users add an information type (Phone Number, Email, or Web Page) and value that duplicates an existing one.


  4. Contact Type, Purpose, and Crop. When creating or updating these for an Institution, you can now use the text field and expect the options to be narrowed down as you type.


Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. creating institutions, such that no duplicates are made,

  2. updating a contact’s primary address, and

  3. deleting additional information on a contact’s profile.

 User Management (UM)

Access and permissions of user profiles is improved.

Several upgrades are made to integrate a user’s profile and other related permissions. Specifically, you can now:

  1. Permit access to the germplasm tool’s coding feature. You can now assign users to have access to the germplasm tool’s new feature to code additional germplasm names. The tool is available in the Core Breeding (CB) domain.


  2. See only relevant units. When adding a user as a member of a unit, the list of possible options are limited to the units belonging to the selected institution.


  1. Define CB access at action-level. All CB tools have an improved role-based access control (RBAC), where access is now defined up to the action-level. This means that users' access to data browser action buttons, such as view ((blue star)), update ((blue star)), and delete ((blue star)), are now defined by how EBS administrators defined a profile’s roles and permissions for a specific tool and its functionalities.


The user interface is enhanced.

The following improved features can now be expected:

  1. Account Type. This new column is now available in the data browser that lists EBS user profiles.


  2. Add Information. An improved error message is now displayed when users add an information type (Phone Number, Email, or Web Page) and value that duplicates an existing one.


  3. Users, Roles, and Security Rules. For an improved user experience, these three sections are now properly separated. As such, separate roles and permissions to access each section should also be assigned by an EBS admin to a user’s profile.


Bug fixes

The following reported bugs are now fixed. You can now:

  1. receive a notification that user profile changes are successfully saved, and

  2. update a user’s access by assigning a unit and role.

 Organizational Units (OU)

Creation and management of units are improved.

The user interface is improved in the following functionalities:

  1. Data browser. New columns that house audit information on unit creation and modification is now available on the data browser. These new columns headers are: Created By/On and Modified By/On.


  2. Create and edit units.

    1. Select address. When creating or editing a unit under an organization, you can now browse for applicable addresses associated to that organization using a drop-down menu.


    2. Enhanced Save button. The button is upgraded to reflect standard notifications with other CS tools after creating and editing a unit’s details.


    3. Remove unit contacts. When editing a unit’s contact details, you can now click the ❌ icon on the drop-down menu so you can replace the currently selected Unit Admin Contact and Unit Lead Contact.


    4. Add members. You can now view each member’s email addresses and institutions on the unit’s member list. Email addresses are now also reflected beside a contact’s name as you add them as members using the drop-down menu.


Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. sorting the data browser by unit abbreviation, and

  2. specifying the Unit Lead Contact.

 Place Manager (PM)

Field creation is improved.

When creating a field, you can now expect the map to sync based on the geospatial coordinates you provide. Simply supply the latitude and longitude values and click Send Coordinates.

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Bug fixes

Reported bugs are now fixed. You can now:

  1. create and link a field to a site,

  2. download site reports reflecting accurate information, and

  3. creating sites and fields with no pre-selected data fields.

 Workflow Management (WM)

Creation workflow for outgoing shipments for CIMMYT is upgraded.

The workflow for outgoing seed shipments processed by the Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT) now support an:

  1. improved Basic Information tab, where users can easily confirm when the requestor is the same with the recipient, as well as access the new request ID data field, and

  2. exported file containing the transaction’s packages, where the contents are in ascending order.

Creation workflow for outgoing shipments for IRRI is enhanced.

Based on feedback from its Seed Health Unit (SHU), the workflow for outgoing seed shipments done by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) now feature the following improvements:

  1. Form validations. Unnecessary fields and buttons were removed, while additional options were enabled to improve the forms found on the General Information, Items, and Documents tabs.

  2. Data browser. The Received Date column is now automatically populated with the date that the SHU received the shipment transaction. You can also download an offline copy of the data browser and its details using (blue star) the button from the toolbar.

  3. Notifications. Pop-up notifications are enabled to inform users of a successful action, while email notifications are also received by relevant users once the status of a transaction is SUBMITTED.

  4. Documents. Downloadable IRRI-specific documents are also made available. These are generated using templates from the Core System’s Printout tool. These include, but are not limited to, Standard Materials Transfer Agreement (SMTA), Customized Materials Transfer Agreement (CMTA), and Open Materials Transfer Agreement (OMTA).

Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when uploading and downloading files from the Shipment Manager.


More templates are featured.

New system templates for outgoing shipment transactions are now available for users in the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT). These templates can be used to generate reports via the Workflow Management’s Shipment outgoing tool. These include, but are not limited to, Standard Materials Transfer Agreement (SMTA), Customized Materials Transfer Agreement (CMTA), and package lists for approved shipments.

Management of templates is enhanced.

The following improvements are implemented on the tool’s data browsers:

  1. Filter and sort. The Connections sub-tab’s data browser now supports the search and sort functionalities for a better user experience. The search bar is just below the column names, while the sort feature can be accessed by clicking (blue star) beside the column names.


  2. Audit info. New columns that house audit information on unit creation and modification is now available on the Template and Connections sub-tabs' data browser. These new columns headers are: Created By/On and Modified By/On.


2024 Quarter 2

 Contact Relationship Manager (CRM)

The following enhancements are implemented:

  1. Data browser. New columns that house information on who and when a specific user account is created and modified is now available in the data browsers of both Persons and Institutions. These new columns headers are: Created By/On and Modified By/On.


Bug fix

You can now encounter no errors when viewing a contact’s institution information.

 Organizational Units (OU)

Creation and management of units are improved.

The following improvements are featured for ease of updating unit information.

  1. View unit information. From the OU data browser, click the (blue star) icon to quickly display the unit’s basic information, services, as well as its members and their roles.


  2. Add new members to a unit. When creating or editing units to add new members, a new Add New Member button is featured. This will only be enabled after selecting a contact and their assigned role. A notification will also be displayed once the process is successful.

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  1. Unit Address. The following updates are featured for this data field:

    1. Edit unit address. You can now update a unit’s address information by clicking the (blue star) icon on the data field. This opens a modal window where you can supply the updated address information and Save the changes made.

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    2. Add unit address. This field now provides you with information that an address has not yet been added for a unit, prompting you to add one. Previously, the note “undefined” appeared on this field.


  2. Unit Admin Contact. This field is no longer a mandatory field. You can now proceed to create or update a unit’s information.


Bug fix

You can now encounter no errors when re-creating a unit that was previously deleted.


The template data browser is improved.

New columns that house information on who created and modified a printout template and when it was created and modified are now available in the Template data browser. These new columns headers are: Created By/On and Modified By/On.


Bug fix

EBS admins can now open and manage templates in designer mode with no problems.

 User Management (UM)

Management of users is improved.

User creation and management is now easier through the improvements in the following features:

  1. Data browser. New columns that house information on who and when a specific user account is created and modified is now available in the data browser. These new columns headers are: Created By/On and Modified By/On.


  2. Admin role. When creating or editing a user account’s permissions, you can now simply tick the radio button for Admin to enable access to all EBS domains and tools.


2024 Quarter 1

(blue star) Version 24.03.26

 Organizational Units (OU)

Management of units is enhanced.

The following improvements are featured. Specifically, you can now:

  1. View date of creation. In the data browser, a new column for Created Date is displayed for your reference. This follows a YYYY-MM-DD format.


  2. Search for roles. When editing ((blue star)) an organizational unit’s Member information, a new data field for Roles is enabled to allow you to easily search for available role/s you want to assign to a unit.

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  3. Assign crops. In the unit’s basic information, you can now select the crop/s using the drop-down menu. All EBS-supported crops are listed, including a Multi-crop option.

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  1. View notification. When you delete ((blue star)) a member’s contact from your unit’s list, a message is now displayed to inform you that the deletion was successful.

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 User Management (UM)

Viewing and assigning of organizational unit information is now supported.

When editing ((blue star)) a user profile’s Member of Organization Unit information, a new data field for Units and Role is enabled to allow you to easily search for available role/s you want to assign to its membership to a specific unit. You can also remove membership to a unit by clicking the (blue star) icon.

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Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. selecting one or more crops to be added to an organization unit during creation, and

  2. creating units in the production and evaluation environments.

(blue star) Version 24.02.28

 User Management (UM)

RBAC is enabled in Breeding Analytics and Core Breeding tools.

To enhance security of breeding data, the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is enabled in the Breeding Analytics (BA) platform and Core Breeding’s (CB) Germplasm, Inventory Manager, and Data Collection tools. Here, EBS admins can now assign tool- and feature-specific access to user profiles. Simply open the Roles subtab and expand (^) BA Admin, BA user, CB Admin or CB User roles.


Salutation data field is now optional.

You can now proceed to Save the changes made to a new ((blue star)) user profile or as you update ((blue star)) one, without the need to populate the salutation data field. Previously, this was a required information for each user profile. This feature is also available for the Contact Relationship Manager (CRM) tool.


Bug fixes

The following bugs are resolved:

  1. the duplicate View role for Request Manager is removed,

  2. the Clear button’s position is now fixed.

 Organization Units (OU)

Management of organization units is improved.

The following features are enhanced. Specifically, you can now:

  1. Access data browser buttons. The data browser houses basic functionalities similar to other EBS data browsers, including:

    1. Personalized Grid Settings ((blue star)), which allows you to configure the current data browser view,

    2. Refresh ((blue star)), which allows you to reload the data browser to view recent changes,

    3. Download ((blue star)), which allows you to export data,

    4. Page navigation, which allows you to move back and forth the data browser.


  2. Add new address to a unit. When creating a new unit ((blue star)), you can now add new address details using the Add Address button. This opens a modal window where you can supply the information needed. You can then Save the changes made.

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Bug fix

You can expect to encounter no errors when downloading the IRRI plant sample list in the Service Management domain’s Batch Manager tool.

 Core System Platform

View brief details about Core System tools.

In the Core System dashboard, distinct tiles of each tool are displayed. In this version, you can now expect to see brief details about the Workflow Management and Place Manager’s purpose and use. Simply log in to EBS and go to the Core System domain. This opens a page containing all the tools it houses, including their brief description.


(blue star) Version 24.01.31

 Workflow Management

Outgoing shipment process is now supported for IRRI.

The outgoing shipment feature is accessible via the Service Management domain’s Shipment Outgoing IRRI tool, but it’s backend processes are hosted in the Workflow Management tool. This allows EBS admins from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to ship materials to partners and requestors. On the other hand, the Workflow Management tool allows EBS admins to customize the workflow, forms, and validation directly on the user interface. The changes are readily reflected in the Shipment Outgoing IRRI tool.

 Email Template

Email Template tool is launched.

EBS admins can now create templates for email communications about shipment processes and concerns. This initial version supports basic data browser and toolbar features, such as printouts ((blue star)) and column filters.


Plant sample list report is now enabled.

A new plant sample list report is added under the Templates subtab. This printout report can be accessed in Service Management’s Batch Manager tool via the toolbar’s Printout ((blue star)) icon. Simply choose the Sample List 2024 option.


For questions or concerns, please file a support ticket via the We look forward to hearing from you!

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