Combine requests with different purposes into one batch.
Lab managers can now select and combine genotyping requests made for the same service provider/laboratory into one batch, even when their purposes vary. Also, lab managers can view and select other marker groups aside from the ones already associated to the request.
From the GSM data browser, select requests with different purposes but with the same service laboratory and proceed to Create a Batch. Select additional marker group/s in the Service & Technology tab and then Save Selection.
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Editing plot or package lists is now restricted.
When lab managers edit a submitted request, the radio buttons in the Entry List tab’s data browser is now disabled. This is to prevent lab managers from changing the requestor’s selected entry list. A note describing this limitation is also reflected on the data browser. Previously, radio buttons were available in this data browser.
Batch creation is improved.
The process of creating a batch is now more intuitive. This feature is also improved through integration with Marker DB. Specifically, lab managers can now:
View selected marker group/s. In the Service & Technology tab, the marker group/s selected during request creation are now checked (✅) by default. Also, lab managers can still revise the marker group selection during this step, depending on the chosen purpose.
Update the request’s marker group. As you create a batch, you can now manage its marker group selection in the Service & Technology tab. Here, you can select or unselect marker groups and proceed to finalize the batch.
Select relevant service providers. In the Service & Technology tab, the Service Provider drop-down list now provides you with a list of providers applicable to the request made. For example, if a request has a marker group, only providers associated to the marker group will be available for selection in the drop-down menu.
Select relevant technologies. In the Service & Technology tab, the Technology drop-down menu list now provides you with a list of technologies applicable to the service provider selected.
Select relevant assays. In the Service & Technology tab, assays can now be selected after defining the technology. You can then proceed to Save the Selection. The selection of assays depend on the marker group associated with the request, where fixed panel groups will have assays selected by default indicated by a grayed-out checkbox.
Plate Layout. When designing the plate layout, the Plate Fill Direction is now set to “columns” by default. You can still set this to “rows” by clicking the drop-down menu. Also, you can expect the plate color for Intertek’s internal controls (H11, H12) to be green.
Bug fix
You can expect to encounter no errors when viewing all selected marker groups.