Specify the planting arrangement (Observation)


After identifying your entries, you may plan the planting arrangement. This involves managing the entries to their blocks and modifying the number of occurrences. You may skip this step if you plan to design your field layout using KDX.

Arrangement using Entry Order

In the Entry Order subtab, you’ll be able to arrange entries in entry order and view your planting arrangement with the entry number and plot number reflected.

  1. Click the checkbox beside Define dimension to change the arrangement information.


  1. Specify details for your arrangement. You may change the no. of rows in block, the no. of columns in block, the starting corner, the plot numbering order, and the no. of occurrences. You may refer to the drop-down below for the values. Once satisfied, click Save.

The no. of entries in block and no. of plots in block are fixed and can’t be changed. The rest of the fields are required to be filled in.

Top Left
Top Right
Bottom Left
Bottom Right

Column serpentine
The pattern moves in a vertical direction first then horizontally to the plot adjacent to the last one in the starting column.

Row serpentine
The pattern moves in a horizontal direction first then vertically to the plot adjacent to the last one in the starting row.


Row Order
The pattern moves in a horizontal direction and continues to the plot in the starting column of the succeeding row.

Column order
The pattern moves in a vertical direction and continues to the plot in the starting row of the succeeding column.


  1. To check how your planting arrangement will appear, click Preview Layout. A preview of your planting arrangement will be reflected on the right side.


Update no. of replicates

  1. Click on Update No. of Reps.


  1. You may specify the number of the entries' replicates as necessary.


  1. If you are satisfied with the number of replicates, click Save Changes.

Once the arrangement is successful, click Next on the upper-right corner of the screen.


Check information

You may assign checks as start or end checks and replicate them as check groups in between plots. Before proceeding, we have to make sure that our entries are assigned as checks. You may review them under Entry Type in the Entry List tab. The assigned checks will be reflected in the planting arrangement.

Assign start and end checks

  1. On the lower right side of the window, click Start Checks. On the column, choose from the checks that you will assign as start checks. Do the same for the End Checks.


  1. To remove the selected check, click the × mark beside the value. Once satisfied, click Save at the upper left side of the screen.


Specify check groups

  1. Click Add Group. Under Check Groups, choose the checks that will be put in groups.


  1. To remove the selected check, click the × mark beside the value. Once satisfied, click Save at the upper left side of the screen.

Once the check information is complete, click Next on the upper-right corner of the screen.


Upload planting arrangement

For entry order arrangements generated outside EBS, you can now upload them in the Planting Arrangement tab.

  1. Click the Upload button ().


  1. On the Upload Planting Arrangement modal window, click Browse on the lower right part of the screen, and select the file containing the planting arrangement from your local drive.


You may download the planting arrangement template from the modal window. Make sure that the entry number and plot number are filled out.


  1. Click Validate to verify the upload.


  1. A summary information panel will display the details of the arrangement. Click Confirm to proceed.


  1. Your planting arrangement will be processed in the background. Once done, click the Notifications () from the toolbar and select the topmost update. This confirms the successful uploading of your planting arrangement.

To review the created planting arrangement, click Edit () beside the occurrence and go to the Planting Arrangement tab.

Great job! You can now start defining the protocols.