Upload data




1. After collecting data using your preferred data collection tool (e.g. PhenoApps Field Book app, MS Excel, etc), save it as a correctly formatted data file (e.g. CSV).

To avoid formatting errors, we encourage you to collect data using the PhenoApps Field Book mobile app. You may refer to this guide on how to use, import, and export data from the Field Book app.


2. From the Data Collection page, click File Upload found on the upper right side of your screen.


3. Wait to be directed to the Data Collection Upload page.

4. On the lower right corner of the screen, click Browse and select the CSV file.

You may also drag your file from your device and drop it directly onto the middle of the Data Collection Upload page.


5. On the lower right corner of the screen, click Upload.


6. Wait for the tool to finish checking your file for formatting errors such as unrecognized headers or duplicate values. The image below is an example of an upload error.


If you are trying to upload data for an occurrence that already has data uploaded, it will overwrite the existing data with the latest upload.

7. After your file has been checked, you will be redirected to the Data Collection tool.


8. Wait for a pop-up message on the right side of your screen to appear. This is to notify you that the upload is successful and completed.

Great job! You’ve successfully uploaded your data. You will now be able to see the occurrence and location name of the data you uploaded in the table of transactions. Take note of the status assigned to your data. You can then either conduct quality control or manage your transactions.