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How to create a service request in Request Manager?

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Create service request.png

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In the Request Manager Browser

The Request Manager browser is where requestors create, manage, and view their service requests.

Before beginning, requestors must ensure they have a valid plot or package list from the Core Breeding domain. These lists can be generated from existing experiments within that domain.

Getting Started

Steps to Create a Request

  1. Proceed to Create Request Service browser.

To create a new service request that aligns with the user requirements, click the Add New Request button. This will directly guide the requestors to the ENTRY LIST tab.


If multiple Service Laboratories are available, select one where the requestors submit the service request.


  1. Select list.

The options available in the ENTRY LIST tab are the pre-created package or plot lists from the List Manager tool. Select the list by ticking the (blue star) option button beside the list name.


On the upper right of the ENTRY LIST tab, click the Next button to fill out the basic service request details.


  1. Provide basic service request information.

The BASIC tab contains essential details of the requestor’s service request. Fill out the enabled fields especially the mandatory information (*).

Once the BASIC tab is completed, on the upper right, click the Next button to proceed to the service details.


Enabled fields

  • Program (dropdown field)

  • Tissue type (dropdown field)

  • Number of samples per item (numeric, user input)

  • Researcher (dropdown field)

  • OCS number (optional, user input)

  • Contact person* (user input)

  1. Select the service that best fits the requestor's purpose.

The SERVICES tab allows the requestors to select the service type, the appropriate laboratory or service team, and the purpose of the request. The selections may differ based on the institution and the specific laboratory or service team involved.

 Sample Genotyping Service Laboratory (GSL) Purpose

The information below only shows a few examples of these purposes under the selected service laboratory and they don’t make up all the services available in the Request Manager.



Background Selection

If the purpose is background selection, consider specific marker panels or genomic regions.


For fingerprinting, select suitable marker panels and data analysis methods.

Genomic Selection

Genomic selection requires specific marker panels and prediction models.

Hybridity Testing

Hybridity testing may involve using specific marker panels to assess genetic diversity.

Marker-Assisted Forward Breeding

For marker-assisted forward breeding, select markers associated with the desired traits.

Parental Purity Testing

Parental purity testing can use marker panels to assess genetic variation within parent lines.

QTL Mapping

QTL mapping requires specific marker panels and statistical methods.

QTL Profiling

QTL profiling may involve using specific marker panels to identify quantitative trait loci.

Quality Control

QTL profiling may involve using specific marker panels to identify quantitative trait loci.

Trait/Foreground Selection

Trait/foreground selection may involve using marker panels selected for specific traits.

Based on the sample GSL purpose above, the requestor will be provided additional options to identify the relevant Marker Group/Trait Category.

The View icon lets the requestor see detailed information about the selected marker group.



Once the SERVICES tab is completed, click the Next button to proceed to the REVIEW tab.


  1. Review and submit the request.

The REVIEW tab allows the requestor to verify and finalize the service request details. On the upper right, click the Submit button. They will be directed back to the Request Manager browser.


The submitted request will have a status of new.png. The status will change from new.png to approve (1).png when the Lab manager approves the request.


Congratulations! The service request has been successfully submitted.

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