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Genotyping service requests submitted by breeders as part of experiments will be managed through the Genotyping Service Manager. This tool allows laboratory managers and laboratory team members to efficiently oversee and control these requests.

Get started

Genotyping Service Lab managers play a crucial role in overseeing and managing genotyping service requests. The Genotyping Service Manager is a powerful tool designed to streamline the workflow and ensure efficient handling of these requests. This guide provides a detailed overview of the tool and its functionalities.

Get started

Genotypic Request Manager tool entry point and navigation

  1. Open EBS and log in using your credentials.

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  1. After that, you will be redirected to the EBS Homepage. Click on Service Management.

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3. The Service Management dashboard will open. Select Genotyping Service Select Genotypic Request Manager from either the Service Management dashboard or the left navigation menu.

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4. The Genotyping Service Genotypic Request Manager browser will be displayed with a list of all submitted genotyping service requests created in the tool and from the Request Manager tool.

Genotyping Service

Genotypic Request Manager browser tool

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A. View icon allows the lab manager to see details of the request.

B. Edit icon lets the lab manager modify a request.

C. Accept request icon allows Snag_295cf35c.pngImage AddedView: See the basic details of a request, the germplasm list, and any exchanged messages

Snag_295d77af.pngImage AddedEdit: Change information in an existing request

Snag_2a9f981a.pngImage AddedAccept request: Allows the lab manager to approve a request.

D. Snag_2a9ff6e4.pngImage AddedReject requesticon allows : Allows the lab manager to decline a request.

E. Delete icon allows the lab manager to delete the submitted request

F. Create batch button lets the lab manager group genotyping service requests with the same purpose in a batch.

G. Add New Request button allows the lab manager to create a new service request.

G. Printouts button lets users access the printout templates available.

H. Download CSV icon lets the lab manager generate an offline copy of the browser.

I. Refresh icon lets the lab manager reload the requests in the data browser

J. Personalize Grid Settings icon allows the lab manager to hide or unhide columns in the browser.Snag_295dc998.pngImage AddedDelete: Delete a request

Snag_296007d0.pngImage Added Genotyping Service Manager Messaging: Genotyping ServiceManager now offers direct communication with the requestor from a specific request

image-20241008-013909.pngImage Added EBS Direct Message: Direct communication with the service team
Snag_2aa05fee.pngImage Added Create Batch: Group similar requests for efficient processing
Snag_295e9276.pngImage Added Add New Request: Create a new service request

Snag_295eec4e.pngImage Added Download CSV: Save a copy of a request list as a CSV file
Snag_295f3993.pngImage Added Refresh: Update the list of requests

Snag_295f8179.pngImage Added Personalized Grid Settings: Show or hide columns in the request list


Keep track of request progress throughout the process. If the linked batch is removed, the request's status will automatically change to image-20241015-052035.pngImage Added. When viewing the request details, the batch information will show as "Not Applicable."

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Nice work! Now that you are familiar with the tool, let’s proceed to managing requests!