Create batch
  • Ready for review
  • Create batch

    Genotypic Request Manager (Create batch).png


    Laboratory managers can also group approved requests and send them in batches. The Genotypic Request Manager also serves as a gateway to the Batch Manager tool.

    Create a batch

    1. On the Genotypic Request Manager browser, tick the checkbox () of all approved requests you want to add to a batch.

    You can only add requests to a batch if it 1) has the status of approved and 2) has the same Crop.


    2. Click Create Batch to group the selected request/s into one batch.


    Specify details in the Requests tab

    1. In the Requests tab, you can review the details of the request/s you added to a batch. Then, click Next.

    You can add more requests to the current batch using the Add Request(s) to Batch button.


    Specify details in the Service & Technology tab

    1. In the Service & Technology tab, specify the vendor, technology, and assay using the drop-down menus.


    2. Under the Marker Panels section, tick the checkbox () beside an available marker panel. Click the add icon () to move it under the selected marker panel section. Click Next.

    Selecting a marker panel is optional.


    Specify details in the Plate Layout tab

    1. Select a plate size in the Plate Layout tab in the dropdown menu. The plate layout will be automatically generated including the system-generated Plate Name.


    2. You can select the internal controls that you want to include in the plate layout. Click the Internal Controls drop-down menu to choose whether to include a blank or positive control. Click on the plate cell to assign the chosen controls.


    3. You can also choose how the samples will be arranged in the Plate Fill Direction. Click Generate Plate Sample to see how it will look.


    4. Click Submit. A notification is automatically sent to the lab manager upon the creation of the batch.


    5. After finalizing your batch, you will be redirected to the Batch Manager tool browser.

    Great work! You can now proceed to the Batch Manager tool to manage your batch!