Manage a batch

Manage a batch


External and internal service providers are allowed to modify the requests submitted by breeders to accommodate changes in the request after it has been submitted in the system.

Edit a batch

Replace the selected marker panel

  1. On the main browser, click the Edit icon () beside the batch you want to modify.


2. Locate the Service & Technology tab. On the Marker Panels section, tick the checkbox () of the marker panel you previously selected. This can be found under the rightmost column named Selected.


3. Click the minus icon () found between the columns to remove the selected marker panel.


4. From the leftmost column named Available, tick the checkbox () of the new marker panel you want to use for your batch.


5. Click the add icon () for the marker panel to be displayed under the Selected column.


6. Once satisfied, click Next.


Replace a sample with a blank

Laboratory managers are allowed to replace sample/s with a blank if the samples are not eligible for analysis due to unforeseen conditions.

1. On the main browser, click the Edit icon () beside the batch you want to modify.


2. Locate the Plate Layout tab. On the Select Plate Information section, select Blank from the Internal Controls drop-down menu. You can choose to manually replace samples with a blank or to allow the system to choose sample/s randomly.


3. If you choose the manual selection, tick the checkbox () of the specific samples you want to replace with a blank.


4. Once satisfied, click Submit.


Delete a sample from a plate

1. On the main browser, click the Edit icon () beside the batch you want to modify.


2. Locate the Plate Layout tab. On the Internal Controls drop-down menu, select Delete.


3. Tick the checkbox () of the well you want to delete. The selected well will then be replaced with a blank.


4. Click Submit to save the changes.


Upload results

After receiving the genotyping results from the service provider, the laboratory manager can upload the result files to the GIGWA repository through the Batch Manager tool.

1. On the main browser, click the Upload Results icon () beside the batch.


2. From your device, select the result files you want to upload.

After uploading the result files in the Batch Manager tool, breeders can now download it from the Request Manager tool.

Awesome! You have successfully created a batch for processing!