Review and finalize the experiment (Observation)


Complete experiment creation

The Review tab allows you to view the summary of the experiment and the details of each occurrence.

At the top section (A), you will see the entry list used. At the bottom section (B), you will see the details of the created occurrences.


You may also view the plot list by clicking the Expand button () or save them in your local drive by clicking the Download button () beside one of the occurrences.


Once you are satisfied, click Complete Creation on the upper right portion of the browser.

Make sure that all entries have their designated packages. The experiment will not be created if not all packages are selected. You may go back to the Entry List tab to review them.


This completes the experiment creation process and your experiment status has changed from DRAFT to CREATED. Your occurrences are now active and can be viewed in the Experiment Manager browser.


Copy a created experiment

If you have a created or planted experiment that you want to reuse its information for future experiments, you may do so by copying an experiment.

  1. Locate the experiment that you want to copy and click the Copy Experiment () button.


  1. The modal window will let you select the tabs with the information that you want to copy. Tick the checkboxes () to select them. Once done, click Preview.

Depending on the selection, the system will automatically select the other tabs for copying. For example, after selecting Site, the system will also select Entry List and Design tabs. The Basic tab is a default selection when copying the experiment.


  1. A separate window will open to let you review the selected tabs with the information before copying the experiment. Once satisfied, click Copy Experiment.


  1. After that, you will be brought back to the Experiment Creation browser and the copying of the experiment will be done in the background. Click the Notifications () button to check if the process is successful. Once done, you may edit the experiment by clicking the Edit Experiment () button.

Great job! You’ve created your first observation experiment. Your next step is to manage your occurrences and prepare them for data collection using the Experiment Manager.