Add crosses

Add crosses


After adding the parents, the next step is to add and manage crosses. In Add Crosses tab, you can pair parents as crosses or do a self-cross. There are sections: (A) the Female parents browser, (B) the Male parents browser, and (C) the Crosses text area where parents are crossed.


There are two ways to add crosses:

1. Cross parents from the browser - Manually select female and male parents and click the Pair icon.

2. Use of Input Crosses text area - Copy-paste crosses using two ways. Refer to the drop-down below for the choices. Make sure that the parents used are existing in the parents list.



Cross parents from the browsers

1. From your list of female and male parents, click the checkboxes of the parents you wish to cross.

2. Below the Crosses text box, click Pair.


If you wish to create self-crosses for a parent, tick the checkboxes of the parent then click Self.


3. Once the pairs appear in the text box, click Add.


4. A modal window will appear showing the crosses creation summary which includes the respective total number of valid and invalid crosses.

Valid crosses are automatically added to the cross list. Invalid crosses are left out in the text area for checking.


5. If there are invalid crosses, first click Add More to go back to the crosses in the input text area.

6. From the input text area, hover on the question mark icon of the row with the invalid cross to check the reason why it’s invalid. It can be that a parent does not exist in the parent list, or either/both of the parents have duplicate germplasm.

  • If it’s the former, make sure to replace the parent with the correct one.

  • If it’s the latter, you will be notified right away on the Crosses Creation Summary modal window.


7. If you wish to keep adding crosses, click Add More. Otherwise, click Manage Crosses to proceed. You will then be directed to the Manage Crosses Subtab where you can view and manage your cross list.


Input crosses

This method is highly encouraged if you have a long list of predefined crosses.

1. Copy-paste the crosses from your external list onto the Input Crosses text area. Make sure that you follow the standard format (e.g. “EXP0017335-001:2|EXP0017335-001:4”).

2. After you’ve inputted your crosses, click Add.


3. A modal window will appear showing the crosses creation summary which includes the respective total number of valid and invalid crosses.


4. If there are invalid crosses, first click Add More to go back to the crosses in the input text area.

5. Hover on the question mark icon of the row with the invalid cross to check the reason why it’s invalid. It can be that a parent does not exist in the parent list, or either/both of the parents have duplicate germplasm.

  • If it’s the former, make sure to replace the parent with the correct one.

  • If it’s the latter, you will be notified right away on the Crosses Creation Summary modal window.

6. If you wish to keep adding crosses, click Add More. Otherwise, click Manage Crosses to proceed. You will then be directed to the Manage Crosses Subtab where you can view and manage your cross list.


Clear input text area

1. To remove the crosses from the input text area, click Clear.


2. You may continue adding the correct crosses. You will not be able to proceed to the next step if there are no crosses indicated.

3. Once done, click Next to proceed to the next tab.


Great job! Now that you have identified your crosses, you can now manage them.