Choose the occurrence site (Intentional Crossing Nursery)

Choose the occurrence site (Intentional Crossing Nursery)



For each occurrence, you need to specify the site and field where the experiment will be conducted. If you would like a clear distinction between site, field, and location, you may refer to the EBS concepts page.


1. Provide the information for each of the occurrences. Fields with * are required.

a. Under the Occurrence column, you may rename each occurrence so that it reflects information about the experiment.

b. Under the Site column, select the site where the experiment will be conducted.

c. You may also indicate the Field, Description, and Contact Person for each occurrence. These are optional values.


2. If you have multiple occurrences, you can also bulk update them. Tick of the occurrences you wish to update.

3. On the upper right, click on the toolbar to open the bulk update modal dialog.

4. Select the columns and values you want to update. Click either Selected or All.


5. Once satisfied, click Save on the upper right corner of the browser.

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