Manage germplasm results


View search results

Search results show all the germplasm records in the system. You can quickly view the germplasm name, other names, parentage, generation, germplasm name type, germplasm type, and germplasm state.



You can also view additional information about a specific germplasm by clicking the View () button under the leftmost column. This opens a pop-up window where you can view the basic information, other names of the germplasm, and pedigree.

You may also click the View More Information button to know more about the germplasm’s available seeds, other attributes, family information, and more.


Filter and sorting results

1. Filter your results by typing a value in the blank header field. You may use the exact string or the wildcard (%) if you don’t know the exact germplasm name (e.g. IRRI %).

You can also view the Crop and Taxonomy columns in your data browser by clicking the gear icon from the toolbar () and going to Personalize Grid Settings.


2. You can also sort your results by clicking the Manage Sort () button on the results browser toolbar.


3. Wait for the modal window to open. Here you can configure a new sort setting or choose from the previously saved sort definitions. Let’s try to define a new sorting condition by clicking Add Column.


4. From the drop-down menu, select the columns you want to sort and whether you want them to be sorted in ascending or descending order.


5. You can remove your sorting parameters by clicking Clear All.

6. You can also save your current sorting parameters for future searches. To do so, click Save on the left side of the pop-up window. Provide a name for the sorting parameters and click Save.

Saved sort settings will allow you to have multiple sorting configurations so that you don’t need to define them every time.


7. Once satisfied, click Apply on the lower right.


Download files

Download germplasm records

1. From the results browser, click Download germplasm records () on the toolbar and select Germplasm.


2. A pop-up window will indicate that your download is processing in the background. Once done, click Notifications () and click the most recent notification. Your germplasm record is now saved in your device as a .csv file.


Download germplasm pedigree

Users can also access the germplasm pedigree in the Germplasm Search, which they can use for obtaining breeding values. The downloaded pedigrees are saved as a .helium file that can be opened in the Helium tool.

Download individual germplasm pedigree

There are two ways to download the pedigree from an individual germplasm.

1. One way of downloading the pedigree is by clicking Download pedigree () beside the selected germplasm.


2. A pop-up window will indicate that your download is processing in the background. Once done, click Notifications () and click the most recent notification. Your germplasm pedigree is now saved in your device as a Helium file.


3. Another way of downloading the pedigree is by viewing the pedigree tab of each germplasm. From the results browser, click the View button () of the germplasm.


4. From the Pedigree tab, click Export pedigree tree ().


5. A pop-up window will indicate that your download is processing in the background. Once done, click Notifications () and click the most recent notification. Your germplasm pedigree is now saved in your device as a Helium file.


Download multiple germplasm pedigrees

1. From the results browser, tick the checkboxes of the germplasm you want to download. Click Download germplasm records () on the toolbar and select Pedigree.


2. A pop-up window will indicate that your download is processing in the background. Once done, click Notifications () and click the most recent notification. Your germplasm pedigree is now saved in your device as a Helium file.


Download germplasm relations

Users can download germplasm relation data for the Coefficient of Parentage (CoP) analysis of their germplasm records.

3. From the results browser, tick the checkboxes of the germplasm you want to download. Click Download germplasm records () on the toolbar and select Relations.


4. A pop-up window will indicate that your download is processing in the background. Once done, click Notifications () and click the most recent notification. Your germplasm relations record is now saved in your device as a .csv file.



Download germplasm printouts

To access more germplasm records, you can download them using the printout tool that can be seen in the toolbar.

  1. After ticking the checkboxes () of the germplasm, click the Printouts () tool.


  1. Select the template and the file type from the modal window.


  1. Click Download. The file will then be saved in your local storage.


Edit germplasm record (admin users only)

1. Under the Actions column, click Edit germplasm button () to edit the germplasm record.


2. Wait to be redirected to the Update Germplasm page. Here you can see the germplasm information fields to be updated and the event logs showing all the changes/updates on that germplasm.


3. Update the needed information under Parentage, Generation, and Germplasm State.


4. Once satisfied, click Save on the lower right.

5. Wait to be redirected back to the Germplasm Search page. Your changes to the record will now be reflected.

Great job! You have successfully managed your results. Finally, let’s create your working germplasm list!