Create a list

Create a list


The List Manager tool will enable you to create different types of lists that you may use when you create experiments or trait lists for data collection.

You can also create a list using the Seed Search, Germplasm, or Traits browsers. To create a list from the list manager, continue reading the guide.

Create list from List Manager

From List Manager, you can create either germplasm or trait lists. This can be used to search for specific names of germplasm or traits while creating experiments or doing other activities in EBS.

Provide basic information

1. From the List Manager tool, click Create.


2. On the modal window, provide the necessary information such as the name, display name, abbreviation, the type of list you're creating, and its list sub-type as applicable. You may refer to the drop-down below for the list types and sub-types.


Population List (only applicable to germplasm list)
Shipment List (only applicable to germplasm list)

The Abbrev and Display Name will be automatically populated based on the name you will provide for your list, but you may still edit them.


3. Click Submit. Your list will open and you will be directed to Add Items tab.


Add items

1. In the Input List text area, provide the names of the items you wish to add. Separate each value with a comma or a new line.


2. Click Save.


3. The modal window will show whether the items you inputted are valid or otherwise. Once you're okay with the items, click Continue.


4. Your items are successfully added to the list! You will then be directed to the Manage Items tab.


For Germplasm list

If an input is highlighted, it means that the provided germplasm name is different from the standard germplasm. Meanwhile, the invalid designation box shows that the item does not follow the standard germplasm name.


Manage items

The Manage Items tab window enables you to edit your list before finalizing, which includes reordering, removing, and adding items back to your list. As shown below, Manage Items consists of two panes -- the left pane (A) showing your final list, and the right pane (B) showing the items you removed from your list. Once you finalize your list, click Next.


Reordering your list items

To change the arrangement of your items in your list, just drag the row where the item is located in your desired order.


Sort using multiple filters

You can also sort your list by clicking the Manage sorts button on the results browser toolbar.

1. Click on the Manage sorts () button.


2. Wait for the modal window to open. Here you can configure a new sort setting or choose from the previously saved sort definitions. Let’s try to define a new sorting condition by clicking Add Column.


3. From the drop-down menu, select the columns you want to sort and whether you want it to be sorted in ascending or descending order.


4. You can remove your sorting parameters by clicking Clear All.

5. You can also save your current sorting parameters for future searches. To do so, click Save on the left side of the pop-up window. Provide a name for the sorting parameters and click Save.


6. Once satisfied, click Apply on the lower right.

Saved sort settings will allow you to have multiple sorting configurations so that you don’t need to define them every time.


Remove duplicates

To remove duplicate items from your list, click > Remove duplicates. The duplicates will then reflect on the right pane.


Remove from list

You may remove unnecessary items from your list. On the left pane, tick the of the item(s) you wish to remove. Then on the upper right part of the left pane, click  > Remove from List. The items should reflect on the right pane.


Return to list

You may add removed items back to your list. On the right pane, tick the of the items you wish to add back to your list. From the Removed from the list pane, click Return to list. Your items should reflect on the left pane where your list is.


Delete items

You may delete items altogether to prevent them from being added back to your list. On the right pane, tick the checkboxes of the items you wish to delete. Then on the Removed from the list pane, click Delete items.


Replicate items

Replicate selected items

  1. On the left pane, tick the checkbox(es) of the item(s) you wish to replicate. Then, on the upper right part of the List pane, click > Replicate items.


  1. On the Replicate List Items modal window, you will see the selected items and the number of copies to be created. You may assign the number of copies for all or each of the items.


  1. To assign the number of copies for all entries, write the number from the upper left side of the modal window and click Assign.


  1. You can also assign the number of copies for each item by adding a number on the Number of Copies column. Once done, click Next.



  1. You will then view the summary table with the selected items and the created number of entries. The replicated items will be placed at the bottom of the list. Click Confirm to proceed.


  1. The replication will be processed in the background and you will be brought back to the List Manager data browser. Click Notifications () to see if the replication is done. After that, click Manage () to go back to editing your lists.


Replicate all items

  1. On the left pane, tick the topmost checkbox of your final list. Then, on the upper right part of the List pane, click > Replicate items.


  1. The Replicate List Items modal window will appear, except that there will be a note that explains that the replication will be applied for all items.


  1. To assign the number of copies for all entries, write the number from the upper left side of the modal window and click Assign. Once done, click Next.


  1. You will then view the summary table with the notification about the number of replicates to be created for all items. Click Confirm to proceed.


  1. The replication will be processed in the background and you will be brought back to the List Manager data browser. Click Notifications () to see if the replication is done. After that, click Manage () to go back to editing your lists.


Save the list

Once you are satisfied with the list on the left pane, click Save.



The Preview tab window allows you to view again all the items in your list. To finalize your list, click Done.

Great job! Now that you know how to create your lists, it’s time to learn how to manage them. This enables a lot of features that allow you to view your list’s information, add and update items in your list, split and merge lists for their faster creation, and share your list with others.