Experiment Manager

Experiment Manager


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Breeders often conduct multiple versions of an experiment (known as Occurrences in the EBS) in different locations to observe various traits. The Experiment Manager tool allows breeders to:

  • view and edit the basic information of an occurrence;

  • map the planting layout of occurrences to a specific location;

  • commit an occurrence;

  • download field book trait and location files for data collection; and

  • upload collected data.


Get started

1. From the dashboard, open the left navigation bar by clicking found on the upper left of your screen.

You may also use the shortcut Alt + L to open the navigation bar!


2. Once the left navigation bar is open, click the second option - Experiment Manager.


Great job! You can now see and use the Experiment Manager tool. You can see the different experiments you’ve created using the Experiment creation tool and their respective occurrences. Let’s get started with managing one of your experiments!