CB Milestone 7

CB Milestone 7

The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.

Version 23.08.30

  • The Merge tab’s main data browser and toolbar was improved for consistency with other tabs in the tool.

  • EBS admins can expect to encounter no errors when:

    • downloading a completed transaction in the Merge tab,

    • viewing a completed transaction in the Update tab.

  • When searching for records using the Input List, an improved results summary shows the number of unique records found for your list.


  • Search results correctly follow the input order when using the Input List.

  • Upon adding all records to the seed list, the total number of search results and the total number of items in the working list are reflected correctly.

  • You can expect to encounter no error when using the following features in the Working List:

    • adding all seed search results at once,

    • clearing all items, and

    • downloading records.

  • Downloaded lists now feature:

    • columns for the germplasm code and parentage in germplasm lists, and

    • a new seed name column to replace GID in package lists.

  • You can expect to encounter no error when sorting list items.

  • A faster performance can now be observed when uploading a design file containing >150 occurrences.

  • When using the P-REP design, the bugs causing errors in filtering entries and adding unique entries to a group were resolved.

  • You can expect to encounter no error when:

    • selecting packages for your entries,

    • viewing the design layout in full screen,

    • generating design for occurrences,

    • updating fields in bulk in the Site tab, and

    • uploading planting arrangement and previewing afterwards.

  • To secure pedigree information, planting instructions files downloaded by collaborators will not contain data on germplasm names.

  • Adding and managing more than a hundred occurrences are now easier with the pagination feature in the Occurrences tab.

  • You can expect to encounter no errors when:

    • filtering the data browser by Experiment Code and selecting all occurrences thereafter,

    • adding occurrences to an experiment, and

    • saving plot lists.

Version 23.07.26

Version 23.06.29

Version 23.05.31

Version 23.04.26

Version 23.03.29

Version 23.02.28

For questions or concerns, please file a support ticket via the https://ebsproject.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/group/-1. We look forward to hearing from you!