- Created by Stephanie Edora Manrilla , last modified on Aug 09, 2023
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The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.

Version 23.07.26
You can now link a template to a domain endpoint when you are creating its connection.

All templates that are connected to a domain, tool, or program can now be accessed via the printout button (
Only users with permission to print can view/access this button.

In the Templates tab, the new 🔍 button lets you send a printing order directly to a printer.
You can also specify if you wish to print every nth entry/plot record in the occurrence via the Page/item Intervals field in the modal window.

A germplasm attribute report template (sys_germplasm_report) has been added to the tool’s System Templates.

When generated, the Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA), Standard MTA (SMTA), and Field book templates reflect the sender’s and recipient’s institution information as provided in the shipment transaction.
This is possible due to the integration with Tenant Management.

You no longer have to close the search string using a pipe (|) in the Experiment ID field when you generate templates made using GraphQL.
The new format is [exp id1, exp id2, …].

The Printout tool can now be accessed in the Shipment Manager and Batch Manager tools.
The 100-item limit on downloaded shipment list contents were removed.
API improvements were done to ensure that printout reports are quickly generated, especially for occurrences with a large number of plots.
You can expect to encounter no errors when update a connection’s parameters.
Backend developments were done for this tool’s launch.
Prototypes were also prepared for demonstration purposes, and
Core Breeding GraphQL is used to retrieve data from the domain’s database.

Reports can now be generated in the Shipment Manager using the new printout button.
This feature is available in the items tab and the main data browser.
Only users with permission can access this feature.

The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is configured for the following functionalities. This lets admins allow or prevent users from:
changing an item’s status,
deleting a shipment, and
updating a shipment.
The bulk update modal window was improved.
You can bulk update the RSHT values of all items by importing them from Core Breeding.
The value is taken from the seed attribute.

You can now add columns for genetic stock and origin in the Items data browser via the Personalize Grid Configuration settings (
Full names are also properly displayed in the tool’s data browsers.
Backend developments are being done for the incoming seed shipment functionality.
The bugs causing difficulties loading the tool, accessing the data browser, and displaying the correct institutes linked to user profiles have been resolved.
Backend developments were done in preparation for this tool’s launch.
This tool enables data managers to create new or manage existing workflows in the EBS.
A prototype was prepared for demonstration:
You can link this to a specific product in a domain, where the workflow will be executed.
The security of the workflow can be defined by identifying programs, users, and roles.
You can design the workflow using three stages: phase, stage, and process.

Version 23.06.28
The tool features new templates to be printed on envelopes for some of CIMMYT’s nurseries and trials.
The following templates will contain CIMMYT’s logo and QR codes:
10-, 60-, 80, and 500-gram envelopes for nurseries, and
10-, 60-, and 500-gram envelopes for trials.

Standard printout templates are now configured in the tool.
These include sample list, tags, and labels.

EBS administrators can now create templates that display data from multiple occurrences, provided that the reports use GraphQL.
You can do this by using this input format for Experiment ID:
|[exp id1, exp id2, …]|
Example: |10,52,87|

Version 23.05.31
Shipment transactions are now sorted according to the date of creation, with the newest ones displayed at the top of the list.
You can also opt to use the system-generated shipment name or create your own.
The Upload Document modal window pops up when attaching relevant files for your shipment transaction in the Documents tab.

Backend developments are being done for the incoming seed shipment functionality.
Error messages were improved and are now properly shown throughout the shipment submission process.

Pagination errors in the data browser were also fixed.
You can now download the list items from your shipment transaction in the Items tab.

The following templates were created and improved. These will soon be available for download via Core Breeding’s Experiment Manager tool:
season summary report template, and
Field book template.
The Core System’s API documentation for existing reports can now be accessed by EBS administrators via the
icon in the menu bar.
Initial functionalities for the email messaging feature is now available in the Email Template.
EBS administrators can create custom templates for email communications to be sent to users for notification purposes.
Admin users can now configure a user’s profile using the new Permissions tab.
You can specify the user’s roles, service providers, and teams via the new modal window.

The Addresses, Permissions, and Additional Information tabs are now arranged properly in the lower section of the tool’s data browser.

Backend configurations were done to adopt the Breeding API standards.
You can expect to encounter no errors when editing a user’s role/s.
The bug blocking the creation of a new user profile has been fixed.
You can now add addresses to a user’s profile.
This will be placed below the user’s designated primary address.

Changing the assigned primary address for a user now proceeds with no error.
You can expect to encounter no errors when you create a unit in the Contact Relationship Manager tool.
The pop-up message was removed when you turn the CGIAR toggle on and off in the Contact Relationship Manager tool.

Version 23.04.28
All domains now display their respective versions for the reference of data managers and users.
The placement of this information depends on the domain.
An improved modal window message is now featured after adding and editing a user’s profile.

Admin users can now delete a role.
User profiles with the deleted role will automatically have their permissions list updated.

The tool has enabled notifications to breeders and lab managers after a genotyping request is submitted.
These notifications are facilitated in the Request Manager and Genotyping Service Manager tools.
Breeders will receive a notification after submitting a genotyping request. They will also be notified when lab managers edit and approve the request.
Lab managers will receive a notification informing them of a submitted request.
Admin users can now export selected printout templates for use in other EBS environments.

When creating templates and connections, the modal windows remain active and can only be closed using the save, cancel, and close buttons.

The default number of records shown in the browser is set to 100.
Each transaction will now have a unique shipment name following this format:

In the Items tab, an RSHT (Routine Seed Health Test) column will be displayed for IRRI users, while a GHT (Germplasm Health Test) column is displayed for IITA and CIMMYT.

Version 23.03.29
An improved EBS landing page is now enabled, featuring new looks for the domain entry points.
The tools feature a new Favorites button (
) that lets you select your most used tools.
Brief descriptions for each domain and their tools are also displayed.

A diagram showing the hierarchy of the EBS crop implementations and the teams under these can now be accessed.
The user roles and institution data are configured in this organizational chart.
The advanced view can now be in expanded or collapsed format.

New users can now properly access the EBS portal landing page and access the domains from there.
The toolbar is now rid of multiple program names to which a user belongs.
Relationships between user profiles and institutions are improved.
Admin users can now create multiple addresses for an institution.
Admin users can also link one of the institution’s addresses to a user profile and designate it as primary.

The listed profiles in the data browser are now arranged in alphabetical order.
You can now view the contact type, tenants, and addresses associated to a user’s profile from the CRM data browser.

An improved error message is shown when creating units to inform users that the unit must be created in both the Core System and Service Management databases.
Updates made to a user’s contact type is now properly saved.
You will now be informed if you entered an invalid email address.

The listed profiles in the data browser are now arranged in alphabetical order.
The delete button that was previously enabled beside the Admin role is now removed.
A standard format has been prepared for the legal documents needed for shipment transactions.
Templates are prepared for the following documents:
SMTA/MTA , Import Permit/Certificate, Phytosanitary Certificate, Seed Request Form, and Written Statement of the Requestor’s Institution Acceptance,
SMTA/MTA templates are prepared in PDF format with the specific details of the selected shipment transaction.
These templates can also be uploaded.
By default, the data browser can now display 100 templates at a time.
Non-admin users are now properly restricted from editing and deleting printout templates.
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