View grouped search results
Search results shows the available seeds on the lower half of the screen. By default, the results are automatically grouped by germplasm, indicated by a row header that shows the (1) germplasm name, (2) package count, and (3) seed count.
Seeds are germplasm associated with harvest information (location, date harvested, etc.), while Packages are physical seeds placed inside a container. One seed can have multiple packages.
View ungrouped search results
You can also view your search results without the germplasm groupings or headers. Simply click on top of the Search Results Viewer and untoggle
Group Results.
Filter and sort search results
Filter your results by typing a value in the blank header field or sort them by clicking on a column header. Use the exact string or the wildcard (%) if you don’t know the exact germplasm name (e.g. IRRI %). You may refer to the drop-down below for the filter options.
Sorting is applied with respect to germplasm groupings. This means that whichever column you sort, the results are still displayed based on the alphabetical order of the germplasm group. You can turn off this feature by referring to the View ungrouped search results section.
For example:
If the results are sorted by year in descending order, a package from the germplasm BRRI 012 of the year 2016 will appear before a package from the germplasm IRRI 123 of the year 2017.
Great job! You have successfully managed your results. Finally, let’s create your working seed list!