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Aside from the trait data gathered during the field collection, EBS can also record post-harvest data through the Post Harvest tool. The Post Harvest button in the Data Collection tool serves as the entry point for initiating post-harvest data collection.


To learn more about uploading your collected trait data, check this user guide on Data Collection using EBS and Data Collection using Field Book.

Access Post Harvest tool

  1. From the Data Collection browser, click the Post Harvest button. The Post Harvest page lets users manage the post-harvest records of each plot. First, type

  2. If manually inputting the Plot ID is the preferred option, (blue star) toggle on the Use Search Button. Type in the Plot ID of one of the collected plots and click Search.

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You On the other hand, users can also retrieve the Plot ID by scanning the QR code of your the field tags. Contact the EBS data managers to enable this feature.Refer to the video below for a sample demonstration.

24.11 DC.mp4

  1. The browser displays the (1) experiment information related to the plot, (2) the available printouts, and the (3) the table with the latest measured plots. The data fields differ depending on your user role and crop program in EBS.

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Load post harvest data

Load post harvest completion date


Changes added to the Post-Harvest Unit and the Post-Harvest Completion Date are applied at the occurrence level.

  1. Click the field under Post Harvest Completion Date to use the calendar widget. From there, select the completion date.

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  1. After that, click Save. The changes are successfully recorded in the browser and will be applied to all the plots of the current occurrence.

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  1. To check the changes, click the Post Harvest button and type in again the plot ID.

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Load post harvest trait data


Changes added to the trait data (actual plot yield in grams per plot, moisture content, remarks) are applied at the plot level.

  1. Provide the post-harvest trait data in the text fields.

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  1. After that, click Save. The changes are successfully recorded in the browser.

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  1. To check, go back to the Data Collection main browser. A new transaction is created when the post-harvest data input is successful.

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Download post harvest printouts

Depending on the program, users can access the available printouts from the Post Harvest page. To download, click the printout button under the Available Printouts section. The file will be saved to the local device.

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Great job!Users may /wiki/spaces/EBSDrafts/pages/25340576961 or /wiki/spaces/EBSDrafts/pages/25340576910 in the Data Collection tool to further validate the recorded post-harvest data.