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Table of Contents

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View tables

The Table tab has two sections where the Stats and Trait table section allows us to review assess the trait phenotypic data , manage the data like suppressing possible outliers and view the descriptive statistics. It is divided into two sections: The Stats and Trait Table sectionsbefore running the desired analysis.

  1. The Stats section contains the descriptive statistics of all numeric traits of the active occurrence. You The table is shown by default, but you may click the dropdown button ( image-20240605-011621.pngImage Added ) beside the section title to show or hide the table. By default, the table is shown.

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  1. The Trait Table section contains the table with the plot list information and all the trait data collected. You may allows the user to suppress or unsuppress raw data in this section collected per plot, per trait, or per data point.

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  1. Before reviewing your plot trait data, you must first be familiar with the color-coded keys in the Phenotypic Data Manager. These keys group your data depending on their types and whether the collected trait is quality controlled -checked or not. Any changes to the data will be reflected in the trait table. Click on the dropdown menu for the list of keys.


Column Keys

Cell Keys

  • Quality Controlled - trait data for all plots are checked for quality control

  • Not Quality Controlled - trait data for all plots are for review

ExpandtitleCell Keys
  • Possible Outliers- trait data

that are
  • identified as outliers based on 1.

  • 5 IQR in the trait table. The cell is colored

  • orange.

  • Suppressed Data - trait data

that are
  • identified by users as suppressed. The cell is colored gray.

  • Bad Data - trait data

that are
  • identified as invalid. It may be data that do not conform with the set data type or are not within the set range of values.

  • The cell is

written in
  • colored red

  • .

  • Missing Data - missing data during collection. The cell is empty and colored blue

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Pin columns

Pinning the first few columns of your Trait Table lets you view the trait data values without scrolling past the main columns such as the plot and entry numbers, germplasm data, and planting arrangement information.

  1. Click the Pin button above the table to freeze the first column. Repeat this step until you pin the needed columns.

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  1. To undo, click Unpin. Repeat this step until the columns are returned to normal.

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Sort and filter data

Sort using headers

You may sort your data in either ascending or descending order by clicking the column headers.

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Filter using the search bar

You can filter your data by typing the specific data in the search bar under each header.

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Filter using settings

  1. You may also filter your data by showing only the outliers and/or suppressed data. From the toolbar above the trait table, click the filter icon ((blue star)).

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You have the option of clicking image-20240418-092813.pngImage Added

  1. Click Show possible outliers only, Show suppressed data only, or both by clicking the checkbox ((blue star)) above.

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Filter trait columns

You may also select the trait columns that you want to hide or show in your table.

  1. At Click the Trait(s) dropdown menu from the upper left part of the table, click the Trait(s) dropdown menu.

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  1. Click the trait(s) that you want to view in the table. You may either select between one or more traits, or click the All traits option. Click again on the trait(s) to deselect.

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  1. Once done, click Apply.

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Assign trait data classification

You may now assign a classification

Assign QC code of each trait data

You can change the QC code of your plot trait data individually in the Phenotypic Data Manager. Locate a cell in the trait table and right-click to view the options for trait data classificationall the QC codes. The cell will then change color depending on the classification of data. Click the dropdown menu for the options.


Initially, all trait data have the default QC code of Questionable except those with bad and missing data.

Trait data classification
titleQC codes





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When you right-click on trait data with the QC code of bad, suppressed, or questionable, the option to change them to Good



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Suppress multiple data

or Questionable is disabled if the trait data value follows the data format for that trait. A brief explanation is also provided for your reference.

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Change QC code by trait

This allows all data under the selected trait column to change into a specific QC code.

  1. From the toolbar, click Edit and select Change QC code by trait.

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  1. Select the trait and the QC code from the modal window to be updated.

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  1. Once done, click Update.

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  1. All data from the selected trait will be updated with the selected QC code and the cells will change color depending on the QC code.

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Suppress multiple trait data

While you can suppress the trait data values individually by changing the QC code, you can also suppress them in bulk. There are three ways of suppressing data in the Phenotypic Data Manager: (1) by suppressing all possible outliers, (2) by suppressing outliers from a trait column, and (3) by suppressing trait data of selected plots.

Suppress all possible outliers

This allows you to suppress all the outliers that were automatically identified in the trait table.

  1. From the toolbar above the trait table, click Edit, then Suppress all possible outliers.

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  1. A modal window will notify you that you will suppress all the possible outliers. Click Suppress to confirm. When it’s done, the cells with the outliers will change their color to gray.

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Suppress possible outliers by trait

This allows you to suppress all the outliers from a specific trait column in the table.

  1. From the toolbar above the trait table, click Edit, then Suppress possible outliers by trait.

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  1. A modal window will notify you that you will suppress all the possible outliers from a of that trait. From there, select the trait where the outliers will be suppressed.

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  1. Click Suppress to confirm. When it’s done, the cells with the outliers from the selected trait column will change their color to gray.

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Suppress from selected plot

This allows you to suppress all the trait data from a specific plot row in the table.

  1. Tick the checkbox ((blue star)) of the plot(s) where you want to suppress data. From the toolbar above the trait table, click Edit, then Suppress possible outliers by trait.

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  1. All of the data selected will be suppressed and the cells will change their color to gray.

Review trait data

If you need to update your trait data in PDM, either by changing the QC code of a trait data or by updating the data from the Core Breeding domain, you may view these changes in the Phenotypic Data Manager.

Show edit history

Any changes in the QC code of a selected trait data can be viewed by checking its edit history. You must first save all the changes to your trait data before viewing the edit history.

  1. Right-click on the cell with the trait data and select Show edit history.

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  1. The pop-up message will display the person who changed the trait QC code, the date and time it was updated, and the replaced QC code of the selected trait data.

  2. You may also check previous and recent changes by clicking the arrows in the pop-up window.

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Review updated data from Core Breeding

Any changes to your trait data from the Core Breeding domain can be checked and updated in the Phenotypic Data Manager.

  1. From the Trait Table toolbar, click the Check for Updates button. If no changes were made to your trait data, the button will change to

    titleyou're up to date

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  1. On the other hand, if the system detects changes in your trait data, the Check for Updates button will change to Update Transaction.

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  1. After clicking the Update Transaction button, a modal window will appear to notify you that the current transaction will be closed and a new transaction with the updated changes will be reflected in the table. Click Yes to confirm.

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  1. Once done, the browser will refresh with the new transaction and updated trait data.

Save changes

Once you are done reviewing your trait data, you may finally save it. By saving the changes, the trait data will be marked as good data. There are two ways to do so.

  1. From the toolbar above the trait table, click the save icon ((blue star)).

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A modal window will notify you that you will save all the changes done to the plot trait data. Select first image-20240419-133904.pngImage Added

  1. One option is that you can Save your QC changes without selecting traits. This will save the changes without marking the traits as QCed.

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Marking traits as QCed

Another option is to mark trait data columns with at least one (1) good data and no questionable data as quality-checked (QCed).

  1. Select the trait(s) that are done for quality checking. Optionally, write comments on the textbox provided.

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  1. Once done, click Saveto confirm.

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  1. The selected traits will be marked as quality checked (QCed) and will save your QC changes, and the questionable data will be set to GOOD.

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By clicking the (blue star) beside Close Transaction, the system will close the transaction without applying the previous changes previously done. A new transaction will then be made with the most recent trait data from Core Breeding.

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  1. After saving, a modal window will appear notifying you of your successful transaction.

You will then be automatically sent to the Analysis Request Manager.Image Removed
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  1. The column headers of the QCed traits will change to green.

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Traits whose data are all or have a mix of questionable, suppressed, bad, and missing cannot be marked as QCed.

  1. In the Experiment Manager tool, your occurrence will now have the additional status of

    titletrait data quality checked

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Great job!Your phenotypic data has undergone quality checking and is ready for analysis. If you want to review your data thoroughly, you may proceed with generating data visualizations.