Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.


The EBS domain’s landing page displays the version of the software available to users. This is also visible in the left navigation menu. Each version may highlight new key features, improvements, bug fixes, or all three. You may refer to the log below for more information in each version.


2024 Quarter 4

titleCore Breeding (CB) Platform

RBAC is enhanced.

Role-based access control (RBAC) ensures that only the user profiles with the appropriate access and permissions can use specific features in EBS. In this update, users whose profiles have no defined access to any CB tools will not be able to log in to the CB domain. RBAC is configured using the tools in the Core System domain. Kindly contact your data manager should you require additional permissions.

Bug fix

Reported issues on RBAC for the following tools and functionalities have been fixed:

  • Experiment Creation: Copy Experiment,

  • Inventory Manager: Seed Transfer,

  • Harvest Manager: Harvest Data, and

  • Trait Search: Left Navigation Menu.

titleInventory Search (IS)

Bug fix

You can now expect that the seed order is preserved when adding the items to the working list.

titleBreeding Program Manager (BPM)

[ADMIN] Data filter display is improved.

This tool allows users to manage and connect experiments and germplasm to breeding pipelines of the CGIAR breeding portal. When users apply dashboard data filters, this tool correctly applies such without displaying it on the BPM data browser filters.

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[ADMIN] Germplasm coding is improved.

This feature allows admins users to add other names to germplasm, which can then be used to search for the germplasm record. The following improvements are implemented:

  1. Generate germplasm names using the next applicable sequence number. When using the Free Text option, the system creates the new germplasm names using the next applicable sequence numbers. Before a user can complete the coding transaction, the system’s proposed germplasm names are displayed beside the user’s uploaded ones. This validation ensures that all germplasm names in EBS are unique.

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  2. View error logs. Transactions with the status

    titlevalidation failed
    will now have an (blue star)error logicon enabled. This allows users to view what went wrong during data validation and revise as necessary.

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Bug fix

The bugs causing errors in some processes are now rectified. You can now proceed to successfully complete the coding transaction so that the status is now set to


titleInventory Manager (IM)

Bug fixes

Non-admin users can now proceed to update package data without errors in access.

titleExperiment Creation (EC)

The Entry List tab is improved.

You can now expect the following when managing your experiment entries:

  1. Assign spatial checks. The check entries for breeding trial experiments can now be assigned as spatial checks.

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  2. Download entries in ascending entry number order. When you download a copy of your entries, you can now expect that the entries are sorted via entry number in ascending order.

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  3. Be prompted to randomize again when entry details change. You will now be asked to randomize your design again when you change entry list details after the first randomization is generated. This includes any changes made to the entry type and entry role, as well as the addition/deletion of entries.

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View error notifications.

To enhance user experience, the Design tab now displays error messages better.

  1. View randomization error. When randomization for parameter sets fail, the (blue star) icon is enabled to allow users to view the error notification. Simply hover the cursor on the icon to display the error notification. This feature is enabled when using the new user interface (UI) of the Design tab.

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  2. Display more informative error message. An improved error message is displayed when validation fails for uploaded randomization designs generated outside EBS. This will be shown on the upload modal window as soon as data validation is done.

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Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. viewing the plot numbers for uploaded designs, such that it resets to 1 for each occurrence,

  2. defining the design parameters for Alpha-Lattice and Row-Column designs, such that the option to select 1 and the total number of entries are not included when populating the fields for Number of Blocks, Number of Plots per Block, and Number of Row Blocks,

  3. downloading plots from occurrence that used the new UI for the Design tab,

  4. using the P-Rep sparse testing design, such that the Number of Entries is equal to the number of test and check entries provided by the user,

  5. scrolling through nurseries when using the advanced nursery option to add entries,

  6. adding entries via the advanced nursery option, such that the entries are in the correct order, and

  7. using the template for uploaded sparse Augmented design, such that the entry role column is correctly reflected as 'required'.

titleExperiment Manager (EM)

Management of experiments is upgraded.

The following improvements are implemented for a better user experience:

  1. Update all occurrence data. You can now choose to display one or all of an experiment’s occurrence and proceed to update its details. You can do this by using the new (blue star) toggle on the Update Occurrence page. The toggle provides a choice for users to update multi-occurrence experiments quickly and easily.

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  2. View designs for each occurrence. On the data browser, the designs used for each occurrence are now displayed. So far, this is applicable to designs created using the new UI of the Design tab. The same improvement will be reflected for designs generated using the old interface soon.

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  3. Improved Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). You can now expect that the permissions granted to your user profile via the Core System is correctly reflected in the EM tool.

Bug fixes

You can now proceed to encounter no errors when:

  1. accessing the Protocol tab,

  2. saving plots lists,

  3. filtering plots by trait and saving them in a plot list,

  4. switching from a single-occurrence view to a multi-occurrence view using the new toggle,

  5. downloading trait data collection files for the Field Book app even without saved trait protocols,

  6. displaying more than 50 occurrence in the Update Occurrence page,

  7. attempting to harvest plots/crosses for an occurrence that is not shared to a user, such that the user is redirected to the login page and view an error notification,

  8. viewing block information for designs in the Plot tab,

  9. harvesting an occurrence, such that no errors in access are experienced, and

  10. access the Generate Design button again after deleting the first design.

titleData Collection (DC)

Post harvest data collection is improved.

Post harvest allows users to collect post-harvest data from data collection devices, such as moisture meters, and directly store it to EBS. Similar to other Breeding API (BrAPI) capabilities, this also forms part of the efforts to digitalize all data capture—further ensuring the integrity and security of breeding data.

In this quarter’s enhancements, users can now directly scan a barcode and load the relevant data fields. Users can still enter the plot codes manually by switching the toggle to Use Search Button.

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View the barcode scanning demo here.

Secured germplasm data after importing to the Field Book app.

EBS guarantees that all confidential information about your germplasm records, such as pedigree, are secured and not included when germplasm data is imported to the Field Book app via Breeding API (BrAPI). Only relevant germplasm data for data collection purposes are shown and shared to the app.

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Bug fixes

The bugs causing errors in the following features are now fixed. You can now proceed to:

  1. upload missing data, such that the system correctly reflects ‘NA’,

  2. login the Field Book app via the BrAPI URL,

  3. suppress and recalculate trait data, and

  4. configure post harvest data fields.

titleHarvest Manager (HM)

Harvesting soybean and cowpea crosses is improved.

The resulting germplasm name for harvested soybean and cowpea bi-parental crosses will use the prefix “TGx”, which means Tropical Glycine max.

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Harvest data input is enhanced.

For a more user-defined experience, the tool now only displays the required harvest data columns given the kind of materials you will harvest. The following features are improved:

  1. Harvest Data tab. You can expect to see only the harvest data columns that are relevant for the materials you will harvest. Depending on your material’s germplasm state, germplasm type, and/or crossing method, these columns may include the following harvest data fields: harvest date, crossing date, numeric variable, and harvest method. Only the applicable harvest methods will also be provided in its dropdown menu.

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  2. Bulk update and bulk delete. Similar to the first update, the material you will harvest dictates the data fields that will be available on the bulk update and bulk delete modal windows.

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Bug fix

When harvesting rice plots, you can now expect that the plot codes and labels match.


2024 Quarter 3

titleCore Breeding (CB) Platform

RBAC is improved.

All Core Breeding tools have an improved role-based access control (RBAC), where permissions are now defined up to the action-level. This means that your access to data browser action buttons, such as view ((blue star)), update ((blue star)), and delete ((blue star)), are now defined by your profile’s roles and permissions set in the Core System domain. Kindly contact your EBS admin for any additional access you may need.

Bug fix

Your CB user profile now displays the role and organizational unit, following the format of Core System’s User Management tool.

titleBreeding Program Manager (BPM)

[ADMIN] Breeding program data can now be managed in EBS.

The initial version of the BPM tool is now available for EBS administrators. This allows users to manage and connect experiments and germplasm to breeding pipelines taken from the CGIAR breeding portal. The BPM tool can be opened via the left navigation menu.

The tool’s initial version opens with the Experiments tab. This lists all experiments created in EBS, regardless of its status. This tab allows you to select one or more experiments whose pipeline data you wish to Update. You are then redirected to a page where you can:

  1. view ((blue star)) basic information on the experiment

  2. filter the data browser columns using the space just below the column names, and

  3. specify the pipeline information you wish to assign. Take note that only the pipelines relevant to your crop and organization are available for selection.

  4. Save any changes made and view the applied changes on the main browser.


View the full demo here.


[ADMIN] Germplasm coding is enabled.

This feature allows admins users to add other names to germplasm. These names can then be used to search for the germplasm record. To do this, look for germplasm record/s using the Search tab. On the search results data browser, select the record/s and click the germplasm tool ((blue star)▼) icon on the toolbar. Choose Code Germplasm and choose either to code only the Selected records or All search results.

You are then redirected to the germplasm coding page, where you can select the coding option and define the pattern definition. The former allows you to choose from Free Text or Configured Code. Both options will require you to select the name type and name status. When using the Free Text option, the pattern definition panel allows you to create the format of your germplasm name, while the Configured Code lets you view the auto-generated format based on the crop.

Apply the code format and be redirected to the Coding tab, where you can view the progress of your coding transaction. Once it has the

titleCOding ready
status, open ((tick)) the transaction to review the changes and then Complete to finalize. You can expect the new germplasm name to be listed under Names when viewing ((blue star)) the details of a germplasm record.


View the full demo here.

Bug fix

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. using the page navigation feature in the Coding tab and displaying accurate records in each page,

  2. viewing supported wheat germplasm name types when coding using the free text option,

  3. viewing the status of a coding transaction, such that the

    status is accurately reflected once the new germplasm names are processed, and

  4. creating new germplasm records for forage crops via file upload.

titleInventory Search (IS)

Managing seed and package records is improved.

The following enhancements are featured for a better user experience:

  1. Accurate attribute data. Seed and package attributes, such as moisture content and material transfer agreement (MTA), now display the correct and updated data.

  2. Disabled text field. When using the Input List to search for records, the text field is disabled until you select the field type.

  3. Add at most 40,000 items to a working list. A notification will be displayed to inform you once you reach this threshold.


View the full demo here.

Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when viewing moisture content (MC) data for records with such information. Additionally, the following tasks in the working list now proceed accordingly:

  1. showing the correct number of added records,

  2. viewing facility, sub-facility, and container data

  3. using page navigation, and

  4. filtering list items by column.

titleInventory Manager (IM)

Regular users can now use the Update tab.

The following package data can now be updated by non-admin users in the Update tab:

  1. package status,

  2. package quantity,

  3. package unit, and

  4. facility.

This is done by downloading the prescribed Template for packages, which can either be a Template from List or a Blank Template. Take note that this feature is limited to updating package records that specific programs own. After supplying the required information, Upload the file and Validate. Once

, open ((tick)) the transaction to confirm the changes.


View the full demo here.

Bug fixes

Uploading and validating seed and package records using the soybean (SYB) program now proceed as expected.

titleExperiment Creation (EC)

Generating non-sparse designs is improved.

The following are implemented in the Design tab:

  1. Create parameter sets with varying numbers of local checks. Enabled by the Breeding Analytics' Statistical Design Models (SDM) in the backend, you can now generate randomizations for non-sparse Alpha-Lattice, Row-Column, Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), Augmented RCBD, and Incomplete Block designs and create multiple parameter sets with:

    1. all local checks included,

    2. some local checks included, or

    3. all local checks excluded.


View the full demo for the Alpha-Lattice use case here.

  1. Enhanced user interface. Reflecting the improvements done in the Breeding Analytics' Statistical Design Models, the Designtab now features an enhanced user interface (UI) for the following non-sparse designs:

    1. Alpha-Lattice and Alpha-Lattice CIMMYT,

    2. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), RCBD CIMMYT,

    3. Augmented RCBD, and

    4. Row-Column.

    Simply select any of the mentioned designs for use, noting that the Across Environment Design should be set to None. Wait for the new UI to load so you can proceed to define the parameters of the design. The Alpha-Lattice design is provided as an example in the demo above.

Processes surrounding experiment creation is improved.

The following features are implemented for a better user experience:

  1. Filter and sort entries by germplasm state. On the Entry List tab, a new column indicating the germplasm state is now available with filtering and sorting functionalities. The former can be done by selecting the germplasm state from the drop-down menu just below the column name, while the (blue star) icon on the toolbar enables the latter.

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  2. Disabled view icon. On the Design tab, the (blue star) icon is disabled for uploaded sparse and non-sparse design files that do not contain Design X and Y coordinates.

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  3. Updated layout details. On the Design tab, you can now expect that changes in the layout details of a parameter set when generating a design is accurately reflected.

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Bug fixes

These reported bugs are now resolved. You can now proceed with the following tasks:

  1. view the assigned experiment steward on the data browser,

  2. choose among valid options for data fields when generating an Augmented RCBD design,

  3. filter by availability in the Entry List tab without having your session timed out,

  4. view necessary columns by default in the Entry List tab,

  5. reset filters when selecting packages in bulk in the Entry List tab,

  6. upload sparse RCBD design files using the updated template,

  7. generate designs with without unnecessary errors and no duplicate plots,

  8. view layouts using the row serpentine field order,

  9. view layouts using block numbers,

  10. display correct plot numbers when viewing the layout, such that it starts with 1, and

  11. define trait protocols from your trait list.

titleExperiment Manager (EM)

Management of occurrences is enhanced.

In this version, the following are featured when changing the details of an occurrence:

  1. Update location. A new column is enabled to allow users to revise a

    occurrence’s location. This can be done by navigating to the Occurrence tab and then specifying the new location in the text field. Changes are then auto-saved and is also reflected in the Location Code.

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  2. Assign occurrences to contact persons sourced from CRM. The list of names available for selection in the Occurrence tab’s Contact Person drop-down list now comes from the records of the Core System’s Contact Relationship Management (CRM). This improvement enables occurrences to be assigned to contacts who may not be EBS users and allows the use of a centralized and authoritative source of contact information. Previously, the contacts available for selection is limited to those saved in the Core Breeding domain’s Persons tool.

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  3. Restrict entry replacement after harvest. To prevent mismatches in germplasm relation records, the system now prohibits replacement of all entries in the occurrence when at least one (1) plot has the status of

    titleHARVEST complete
    . An error message is shown to inform users of this restriction.

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Some processes surrounding the export of files are improved.

The following features are upgraded for a better user experience:

  1. Renamed toggle button. A more informative toggle button name is featured when exporting Occurrence Data Collection and Metadata and Plot data files. In the Data section of the respective export pages, click the gear ((blue star)) icon to reveal the toggle button. Turn this on ((blue star)) to Replace Suppressed and Bad Data with NA. The button name is made more specific and is an improvement to its previous name (Replace Trait Data with NA) which might confuse users.

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  2. Experiment, occurrence, and plot numbers are now sorted in ascending order. In the exported Metadata and Plot Data file, you can expect that the aforementioned data columns are now sorted in ascending order. This is especially helpful when exporting files for multiple occurrences.

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Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. downloading planting instruction files,

  2. add new occurrences to old experiments,

  3. accessing the edit ((blue star)) and delete ((blue star)) icons in the data browser, and

  4. saving plots into a list.

titleCross Manager (CM)

Export more germplasm attributes.

You can now expect to see the Occurrence Code and Entry Code columns in your exported germplasm attributes file as you:

  1. manage your crosses for Intentional Crossing Nursery (ICN) experiments, or

  2. add your crosses for Cross Parent Nursery (CPN) experiments.

The new data columns give users a quick reference of the codes needed to be copied and pasted on the cross text area. Additionally, specific germplasm attribute columns (e.g. germplasm year) are only included in the file if the attribute exists for at least one (1) germplasm used in the crosses. A CPN experiment is used for the demo below.


View the full demo here.

titleData Collection (DC)

The Field Book app is now BrAPI-enabled.

The integration of Breeding API (BrAPI) and the Field Book app allows EBS users to seamlessly connect to the app. Make sure to update your app to the latest version (5.6.21 and above) to use this feature. To update the app, open the About page. You should see the app’s current version and a prompt to download the latest version. Tap this option and wait until it is finished and installed.

This version allows you to import fields, load traits, and collect data using the app, as well as export it to EBS, without the need for file transfers from computers to data collection devices. After collected data is synced to EBS, a transaction is displayed on the DC tool’s data browser whose origin is Field Book. If you wish to delete a transaction, a warning message is displayed to make sure you do not have any uncommitted traits.

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Consult this user guide for step-by-step instructions on how to set up your app’s BrAPI connection, so you can begin your digital data collection activities.

Post harvest data collection is now supported.

This new feature allows users to collect post-harvest data from data collection devices, such as moisture meters, and directly store it to EBS. Similar to the BrAPI capabilities, this also forms part of the efforts to digitalize all data capture—further ensuring the integrity and security of breeding data.

In the DC tool, the new Post Harvest button serves as an entry point to a page where you can Search for your plots via QR code. The QR code is simply the plot ID, which you can get from any exported data collection file. Alternatively, the bar code from field tags can also be scanned.

After supplying a valid plot ID, the page then loads the data fields for the occurrence and traits, as well as available printouts. However, availability of these fields depend on your program, role, and permissions as an EBS user. As such, a collaborator will normally see fewer data compared to breeders.

Data fields for the Post Harvest Unit and Post Harvest Completion Date are occurrence-level data, which means that any changes made to these details are applied not only to the current plot, but also to all the plots in the current occurrence. In contrast, collected trait data, such as moisture content, are saved as individual plot data. These can also be used as parameters for applicable computed traits.

Data collection devices can then be connected to a computer so that no manual data input is necessary. Your data managers can also help you set this up by simply filing a support ticket. Finally, users can Save all changes made to trait and non-trait data fields.


View the full demo here.

Bug fixes

The bugs causing errors in the following functionalities are fixed. You can now:

  1. expect to see accurate computed traits (FLW50DAYS) after changes in the input data (SEEDING DATE),

  2. view recalculated plot trait data after suppressing some data points that are used as inputs in the latter’s formula,

  3. expect a notification that redirects you to the Compute tab after supplying formula parameters,

  4. update plot trait data in bulk, such that the process does not result to an error,

  5. view post harvest data,

  6. view uploaded and calculated plot trait data,

  7. view accurate notifications for upload transactions,

  8. use updated formulas, and

  9. access previously uploaded/synced data even after

    titletrait calculation failed

titleHarvest Manager (HM)

Harvest F5, F6, BCnF5, and BCnF6 generations using bulk for SYB and CWP.

In both the Cowpea (CWP) and Soybean (SYB) programs, F5, F6, BCnF5, and BCnF6 germplasm belonging to any germplasm type and whose state is

can now be harvested using the Bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulkas the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are F6, F7, BCnF6, and BCnF7, respectively, and whose germplasm state is


View the full demo for CWP’s F5 harvest use case here.

The processes surrounding harvest is enhanced.

For a better user experience, the following are featured:

  1. Complete Harvest button. In the Creation tab, a new Complete Harvest button is added on the toolbar to allow users to easily update the status of a nursery. A modal window then requires you to input occurrence remarks before you Proceed. Once done, you can expect to see that your occurrence’s status has an additional

    status on the EM data browser. Take note that you can still perform harvest- and data collection-related tasks on the occurrence.

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  2. Columns visible by default. The Germplasm Type column is now displayed in the Harvest Data tab, while the Management tab also readily shows the Plot Code column.

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  3. Improved checks on harvest data in the Harvest Data and Creation tabs. A better validation process is now in place to ensure that:

    1. correct harvest remarks are now reflected in cases of missing values,

    2. plots/crosses with the status

      can proceed to Create its harvest records, and

    3. required numeric variables for rice crosses are now properly accounted to proceed with creation of harvest records.

Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. accessing HM via the EM tool,

  2. generate the correct sequence numbers for additional harvests, such that the numbering does not restart at 1,

  3. harvesting germplasm whose names contain apostrophes ('),

  4. generating harvest tags, such that, when applicable, the harvested germplasm have the correct bag number associated with its package codes


2024 Quarter 2


Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. changing program data filters and having the right set of tools in the left navigation, and

  2. viewing the correct list of tools/features in the recently used tools widget.


Management of germplasm is improved.

This version implements the following improvements:

  1. Printout tool is enabled. In the Search tab, you can now click on the printout icon ((blue star)) found in the search result data browser’s toolbar. In the coming versions, this feature will also support templates that you can generate for your selected germplasm records.


  2. [ADMIN] Delete failed transactions. EBS admins can create germplasm records via the Create tab; however, some of these transactions may fail due to technical errors in the backend. As such, the feature to delete ((blue star)) transactions with the

    titlecreation failed
    status is now enabled.


  1. [ADMIN] Update germplasm state in bulk via upload. In the Update tab, you can now revise the germplasm state of specified records by uploading a valid CSV file containing the changes. You can download the prescribed Template and populate it accordingly. Then, simply Upload the file and wait for the validation to finish. Once successful, you can now view ((blue star)) and Complete the transaction for the updated germplasm state. Otherwise, an error log ((blue star)) will also be available for your reference.

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titleInventory Search (IS)

Filtering records is enhanced.

The area just below the column names serves as the filter for the search results data browser. You can now filter the columns for MC (Moisture Content), MTA_STATUS (Material Transfer Agreement Status), and RSHT_NO (Routine Seed Health Testing Number). Simply supply your keywords to have more narrowed search results. Click the (blue star) icon to remove the filters.

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Bug fixes

The bugs encountered when managing records in the working list were fixed. Specifically, you can now:

  1. add records to the seed list, such that no unnecessary errors are displayed, and

  2. accurately reflect reordered items in the working list.

titleInventory Manager (IM)

[ADMIN] Delete failed transactions in the Create tab.

EBS admins can create seed and package records via the Create tab; however, some of these transactions may fail due to technical errors in the backend. As such, the feature to delete ((blue star)) transactions with the

titlecreation failed
status is now enabled.


Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. uploading and validating seed and package records for the Cowpea (CWP) program in the Create tab,

  2. accessing the seed transfer tab for users with permissions.

titlePlanting Instructions Manager (PIM)

Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when replacing entries, such that:

  1. the entry replacement process does not get stuck, and

  2. no duplicate jobs are created.

titleExperiment Creation (EC)

Uploading of designs is improved.

The processes surrounding the uploading and validation of unspecified designs is enhanced, which is applicable only for Breeding Trial experiments. Specifically, you can now:

  1. Upload unspecified and P-Rep designs in the Wheat program. The Wheat (BW) program now supports the upload of unspecified and Partially Replicated (P-Rep) design files. In the Design tab, choose Unspecified or P-Rep in the design drop-down menu. Then, click the (blue star) button to show the modal window where you can have your design file validated before confirming the upload. Error messages will also be shown if your file is invalid so you can make the necessary changes.

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  1. Upload unspecified design for sparse testing. You can now successfully validate and upload unspecified design files for sparse testing. This applies to design files whose occurrences have overlapping entries and otherwise. In the Design tab, choose Random in the Across Environment Design drop-down menu. Then, toggle to Upload to enable the (blue star) button. Browse for your design file to Pre-validate it. Once successful, simply Confirm the upload. The status of each parameter set will then be set to


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New notification message is supported.

An updated message is displayed to notify you that deleting entries in the Entries tab is limited to those that have not been used in crosses or designs. The message previously included “planting arrangement” (PA) in the message, but this was removed because the entry deletion process already resets the PA that was already generated.

To view this update, Create a generation nursery experiment. Proceed with the steps until you reach the Review tab. Then, go back to the Entries tab and delete some or all entries. The updated notification should be displayed. Confirming the deletion will reset the PA, which means you have to redo it. Otherwise, you can go ahead and move to the Review tab to complete the creation of your experiment.


Site tab’s contact person data field now uses data from CRM.

The list of names available for selection in the Site tab’s Contact Person drop-down list now comes from the records of the Core System’s Contact Relationship Management (CRM) tool. This improvement enables occurrences to be assigned to contacts who may not be EBS users. This also allows the use of a centralized and authoritative source of contact information. Previously, the contacts available for selection is limited to those saved in the Core Breeding domain’s Persons tool.


Sparse testing template is enhanced.

Templates are available for users to download when generating sparse testing design files outside EBS. These are available in the Upload Design Array modal window. The Sparse Template now have standard column names (e.g., design X and design Y). As of this version, multiple parameter sets must be in one uploaded file.

To access this feature, go to the Design tab and set the Across Environment Design to Random. Then, toggle ((blue star)) to Upload and click the (blue star) button to open the Upload Design Array modal window. The Sparse Template also contains sample data for your reference.

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Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. populating an experiment’s basic information,

  2. importing entry lists, such that there are no skipped entry numbers,

  3. moving to the next step in experiment creation after successfully uploading a design file,

  4. uploading design files for sparse implementations,

  5. uploading randomization files for non-sparse Row-Column and P-Rep designs,

  6. uploading randomization files for Unspecified design using sparse testing,

  7. generating occurrence names for Observation experiments such that the last three digits in the occurrence name (counter) always starts at 1,

  8. viewing entries with the correct entry number count (Entry No. column) in the Entry List tab,

  9. updating entries in bulk,

  10. viewing the four options to add entries (Input List, Advanced Nursery, Copy Entry List, and Saved List) such that there is a page loading indicator to show that the records are still being fetched, and

  11. deleting more than 500 crosses, which will be delegated to the background.

titleExperiment Manager (EM)

Use printout templates relevant to your program.

On the EM data browser, click the Printout ((blue star)) button from the toolbar. This opens a modal window where you can select a template that you want to generate for your occurrence. In the Template drop-down menu, only the templates relevant to your set program data filter is available for selection. Previously, all available printout templates is reflected in the drop-down list.

24.04 Printout2.gif

Quickly save plots to a list.

The time it takes to save occurrence or location plots to a list is now improved. This is especially useful when saving more than 20,000 plots to any list type. In the EM data browser, view ((blue star)) an occurrence whose plot count is more than 20,000. Go to the Plot tab and select all the plots to be added in a list. Click the (blue star) icon to open the Save as New List modal window, where you can supply the necessary information. You are then redirected to the EM data browser as the saving process is delegated to the background. A notification ((blue star)) will be available once the process is done.

24.04 EM2.mp4

Downloading trait data collection files is improved.

New notifications are enabled when you attempt to download trait data collection files from occurrence/s with no saved trait protocols. From the EM data browser, select an occurrence with no saved trait protocol/s. Download the file via the toolbar button ((blue star)) and select Trait Data Collection > Occurrence > With Trait Abbreviations.

The notification ((blue star)) is then displayed on the EM data browser or the Download Trait Data Collection File page to inform you why you cannot download the file for now. You can resolve this by adding trait Protocols via the ((blue star)) icon on the data browser or the Download Trait Data Collection File page.

24.04 EM new.gif

Downloadable planting instruction files are improved.

You can now see two additional columns in the planting instruction files: Pipeline and Market Segment. These are expected when downloading either from an occurrence or location level. You can readily select the pipeline during experiment creation, while the market segment can be added by updating the experiment information using EM.

From the EM data browser, select an experiment or occurrence. Click the (blue star) button from the toolbar and select Planting Instructions. You can select either Occurrence or Location.

24.05 EM1.gif

Bug fixes

The bugs encountered when managing experiments were fixed. Specifically, you can now:

  1. generate locations,

  2. view occurrence and site names when editing an occurrence,

  3. add new occurrences to old experiments, such that entry and plot numbers reflect the data in the uploaded design file, and

  4. upload occurrence data,

  5. downloading metadata and plot data files, such that collected traits are included when available,

  6. upload occurrence metadata successfully, and

  7. add an occurrence and upload a design for it.

titleData Collection (DC)

The plot subtab’s data browser is enhanced.

The following improvements are implemented to improve user experience:

  1. Scroll through your plot data with the column headers intact. This allows for an easier viewing and navigation experience, especially for transactions with a lot of plot trait data.

  2. View calculated traits. All computed traits are now shown in the Plot subtab’s data browser by default. Previously, users had to display these traits using the (blue star) icon from the toolbar.

  3. Customize the data browser. Using the (blue star) icon from the toolbar, you can now show/hide columns in the Plot subtab’s data browser. All changes made is set as default, so that the settings are preserved when you view other transactions in the future.

    24.04 DC.mp4

Computed trait values are recalculated after suppressing data from its parameter/s.

When you suppress data point/s in traits (Parameters) whose values are used as inputs to calculate other traits (Computed), the system now recalculates the latter’s value to reflect the changes. This is applicable when suppressing data individually or via rules.

Using a transaction with the status

, open the Quality Control page ((tick)) → Review tab → Plot subtab. You can suppress data points individually or via rules, both of which can be done using the Suppress button. You can then expect the computed trait value to be automatically updated based on the changes you made.


View the full demo here.

Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. downloading trait DC files via the EM toolbar, such that an error message appears when you attempt to download for an occurrence with no saved trait protocols,

  2. uploading trait DC files,

  3. viewing trait data with no duplicates,

  4. retaining selected checkboxes even after a column is sorted,

  5. computing for Percent Plant Survival (SUB_SURVIVAL_PCT) and (Ears Per Plant) EPP,

  6. viewing the Compute tab based on the availability of formulas as defined by the uploaded data, and

  7. calculating traits, such that raw data from (a) occurrence metadata and (b) uploaded trait data collection file is recognized as input.

titleHarvest Manager (HM)

More harvest use cases are enabled for Cowpea crop.

As EBS prepares to support the Cowpea (CWP) program, five additional harvest use cases are now supported for crosses and advanced nurseries. Specifically, you can now:

  1. Harvest bi-parental crosses using bulk method. You can now cross a female and a male parent of any germplasm state and type. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generation is F1 with state


    24.04 HM1.mp4

  1. Harvest F1 backcrosses using bulk method. You can now cross an F1 female germplasm with a male recurrent germplasm via backcross and harvest using the bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generation is BC1F1 with state


    24.04 HM2new.mp4

  1. Harvest BCnF1 backcrosses using bulk method. You can now cross a BC<n>F1 female germplasm (where n is ≥ 1) with a male recurrent germplasm via backcross and harvest using the bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generation is BC<n+1>F1 with state


    24.04 HM3.mp4

  2. Harvest BCnF1 and BCnF4 generations using bulk method. BCnF1 to BCnF4 germplasm belonging to any germplasm type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the Bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulkas the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are BCnF2 and BCnF5 with germplasm state of
    , respectively.

    24.04 HM4.mp4

  1. Harvest BCnF2 and BCnF3 generations using Single Plant Selection (SPS) method. BCnF2 and BCnF3 germplasm belonging to any type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the SPS method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and number of plants. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are BCnF3 and BCnF4, respectively, with germplasm state of

    24.04 HM5.mp4

Germplasm attributes of harvested rice plots now match its parent.

For every germplasm that is harvested, the following germplasm attributes are copied from the parent germplasm: Germplasm Year, Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Status, and Origin. After harvesting a plot, you can view the germplasm attributes by clicking the hyperlinked germplasm name in HM’s Management tab. In the modal window, click the View More Information button and go to the Attributes tab. These new germplasm attributes are useful for shipment transactions and further analyses.

24.04 HM_attribs.mp4

More harvest use cases are enabled for Soybean crop.

As EBS prepares to support the Soybean (SYB) program, seven additional harvest use cases are now supported for generation and crossing nurseries.

Generation Nurseries:

  1. Harvest F1 and F4 generations using Bulk method. F1 and F4 germplasm belonging to any type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the Bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are F2 and F5 with germplasm state of
    , respectively.


View the full demo here.

  1. Harvest F2 and F3 generations using Single Plant Selection (SPS) method. F2 and F3 germplasm belonging to any type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the SPS method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and number of plants. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are F3 and F4, respectively, with germplasm state of


View the full demo here.

  1. Harvest BCnF1 and BCnF4 generations using bulk method. BCnF1 to BCnF4 germplasm belonging to any germplasm type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the Bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulkas the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are BCnF2 and BCnF5 with germplasm state of
    , respectively.


View the full demo here.

  1. Harvest BCnF2 and BCnF3 generations using Single Plant Selection (SPS) method. BCnF2 and BCnF3 germplasm belonging to any type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the SPS method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and number of plants. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are BCnF3 and BCnF4, respectively, with germplasm state of


View the full demo here.

Crossing Nurseries:

  1. Harvest bi-parental crosses using bulk method. You can now cross a female and a male parent of any germplasm state and type. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generation is F1 with state



View the full demo here.

  1. Harvest F1 backcrosses using bulk method. You can now cross an F1 female germplasm with a male recurrent germplasm via backcross and harvest using the bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generation is BC1F1 with state



View the full demo here.

  1. Harvest BCnF1 backcrosses using bulk method. You can now cross a BC<n>F1 female germplasm (where n is ≥ 1) with a male recurrent germplasm via backcross and harvest using the bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generation is BC<n+1>F1 with state



View the full demo here.

Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. generating the correct name for backcross derivatives,

  2. generating harvest labels containing no duplicate records,

  3. deleting harvest data, germplasm, seeds, and packages such that the process is now done in the background,

  4. harvesting R-lines for rice plots,

  5. generating harvest labels such that the package label is properly reflected, and

  6. harvesting crosses in the Demo instance.


2024 Quarter 1

(blue star) Version 24.03.26


Crop and taxonomy information is now displayed.

In the Search tab, a new data field for Crop is now enabled. By default, the crop used by your current program is pre-selected. Additionally, the results data browser now feature columns for Crop and Taxonomy data. These can be added to the data browser using the (blue star) icon in the toolbar. Simply drag and drop these columns under the Visible Columns.

Lastly, the Taxonomy for each germplasm is also available when viewing ((blue star)) its basic information. You can view this in the modal window’s Basic tab after clicking the germplasm name across Core Breeding tools.


View the full demo here.

Bug fix

You can now proceed to download a germplasm Template from List in the Update tab.

titleInventory Search (IS)

Bug fix

You can expect to encounter no errors when adding items to the Working List.

titleExperiment Manager (EM)

Management of occurrences is enhanced.

This version implements the following improvements:

  1. Occurrence page summary. When you update ((blue star)) the details of an occurrence, the option to Add Occurrences to Breeding Trial or Observation experiments is also available. After you are redirected to the Add Occurrence page, you can now expect to see a page summary just beside the toolbar. This details the number of total items in the current page.


  2. Harvest status. View ((blue star)) your occurrence and go to the Crosses tab. Here, the Harvest Status column is now enabled. You can also filter this column, as well as include it in your exported ((blue star)) file.

    24.03 EM1.gif

  3. Improved validation of uploaded occurrence data collection files. The validation process now skips blank columns. With this, you can now successfully Upload your occurrence data collection files even with blank columns present. Previously, the validation stops at the first invalid field it detects, such as blank columns.


Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. downloading a planting instructions file, such that all columns are properly labeled, and

  2. uploading and validating an occurrence data collection file.

titleData Collection (DC)

The Compute tab is improved.

The initial implementation of the Compute tab is now enhanced with the following features. Specifically, you can now:

  1. Filter, Sort, and Select all formulas. You can now filter the formula data browser using the blank field just below the column names, while clicking the column labels allow you to sort contents in an ascending or descending order. The Select All checkbox is also enabled for bulk selection of formulas.

    24.03 DC2.gif

  2. View and use formulas with parameters derived from other formulas. You can now compute for trait values whose formulas contain inputs that are the results of other formulas. For example, you want to calculate for traits A, B, and D, where:

    • A is an uploaded trait value,

    • B = A + C, and

    • D = B + E.


Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. completing the transaction for more than 500 plot trait data values,

  2. calculating traits, and

  3. filtering the data browser to view transactions with

    titlein queue
    , and
    titlein progress

titleHarvest Manager (HM)

More harvest use cases are enabled for Cowpea crop.

As EBS prepares to support the Cowpea (CWP) program, two additional harvest use cases are now supported to advance nurseries. Specifically, you can now;

  1. Harvest F1 and F4 generations using Bulk method. F1 and F4 germplasm belonging to any type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the Bulk method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and select Bulk as the harvest method. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are F2 and F5 with germplasm state of
    , respectively.

  2. Harvest F2 and F3 generations using Single Plant Selection (SPS) method. F2 and F3 germplasm belonging to any type and whose state is

    can now be harvested using the SPS method. In the Harvest Data tab, provide the harvest date and number of plants. Commit and Create the harvest to generate records whose generations are F3 and F4, respectively, with germplasm state of


View the full demo for use case #1 here and #2 here.

Harvesting restorer (R) lines for rice is now supported.

A Test Cross Verification (TCV) experiment aims to identify maintainers and restorers from a test cross nursery. In Generation Nursery (GN) experiments using the TCV stage, you can now harvest

germplasm using the R-line harvest method.

Using a

GN experiment with the TCV stage, download a trait data collection (DC) file with the trait Hybrid Material Type. During data collection, you can use “R” and “M” to indicate which ones are the restorer line/s and the maintainer line/s, respectively. Upload the DC file to your occurrence and proceed to HM. In the Harvest Data tab, display the Hybrid Material Type column using the (blue star) icon. For those designated with “R”, select R-line Harvest as method and specify the harvest date and number of bags. Commit and Create the harvest records in the Creation tab. New germplasm are created, with their names appended with “R”. Lastly,
harvests for this use case can be checked in the Harvest Data tab, where a (question) icon can be clicked to show the details of the error.


View the full demo here.

Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when harvesting crosses, such that:

  1. harvests with complete harvest data does not fail, and

  2. resulting germplasm names are accurately generated.


titleExperiment Creation (EC)

Uploading of sparse testing randomization files generated outside EBS is now supported.

In EBS, sparse testing is a way of randomly allocating test entries to different occurrences. In this version, you can now upload sparse testing randomization files that were generated outside EBS, whose parameter sets use the Unspecified design and all other EBS-supported trial designs except IWIN and OFT, subject to validation rules.

Create a Breeding Trial experiment and add entries. In the Design tab, select Random in the Across Environment Design drop-down menu. After the page reloads, toggle ((blue star)) the Design Workflow switch to Upload. Click the Upload ((blue star)) button and browse for your randomization file. Pre-validate the file to show the summary information. In the same modal window, select any aforementioneddesign for the parameter set/s and then Validate.

Once successful, Confirm the upload of the randomization file. You are then redirected to the Design tab to wait for the upload to finish. The view icon ((blue star)) is enabled as soon as the file is successfully



View the full demo here.

Management of entries is improved.

The following features in the Add Entries tab is enhanced for ease of use. Specifically, you can now:

  1. Use package codes to add entries. When adding entries ((plus)) in the Entry List tab using the Input List, the modal window now features the additional option to use package codes. Simply tick the radio button ((blue star)) beside your preferred option.


  2. Locate the fixed positions of the Back and Add Entries buttons . When adding a lot of entries via the Input List, the Back and Add Entries buttons on the modal window now occupies a fixed position. This prevents the buttons to move as you scroll down a long list of entries.

    24.02 EC2.gif

Bug fixes

You can now expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. uploading design files created outside EBS for Breeding Trial experiments,

  2. generating planting instruction records in the Site tab, and

  3. creating experiments, such that no unnecessary error messages are displayed.

titleExperiment Manager (EM)

Entries that were replaced are now correctly reflected in crosses.

When replacing the entries of a crossing experiment, the new germplasm is now correctly reflected in the relevant data columns for the cross. The changes made in EM are also applied to the Cross Manager (CM), Harvest Manager (HM), as well as in all downloadable files related to the crossing experiment.

View ((blue star)) your crossing experiment and go to the Entry tab. Select an entry and click the Edit button in the toolbar. Then, click Replace Occurrence Entry and choose the Replace with Germplasm option in the modal window. Here, you can search for the germplasm and select the new one you want to use in your experiment. The modal window also provides a summary of the changes to be made. Once satisfied, click Confirm to finalize the entry replacement.

The changes are observed in the data columns for cross name, as well as the female and male parent, parentage, and seed source in EM, CM, and HM. The update is also applied to any crosses that were already created prior to entry replacement.


View the full demo here.

Validation of uploaded occurrence data collection files is enabled.

Occurrence data collection files allow you to update occurrence and management variables, such as Ecosystem and Fertilizer Brand Applications. In this version, validation of the uploaded files are now enabled to ensure that only valid values for each variable are uploaded to EBS.

From the EM data browser, click the Upload button on the toolbar and choose Occurrence Data Collection. This opens a modal window where you can provide your file and Validate it. An error message is now shown if your file has invalid value/s. It also provides a guide on how to revise the data to the accepted values and format. Once the upload is successful, you can view ((blue star)) the data in the Basic tab.


View the full demo here.

Management of experiments is improved.

The following functionalities were enhanced. You can now:

  1. View packages harvested. When viewing ((blue star)) an occurrence’s Basic tab, data on the Packages Harvested are now shown. This displays the total number of plots and crosses that can be harvested for an occurrence. This is also a clickable link that redirects you to the Harvest Manager tool, which readily displays the occurrence’s harvest information.


  2. Export harvest and pollination instructions. Maize users can now include the harvest and pollination instructions, if available, when downloading Metadata and Plot Data files. Simply select an occurrence in the EM data browser and click the download ((blue star)) button from the toolbar. Choose Metadata and Plot Data to open the export page, where you can see the new data under the Occurrence data category.


  3. Expect newly generated entry/plot codes to be reflected immediately. Changes to the entry and plot codes are now immediately applied to the Plot tab, without the need to refresh the tab. This improvement can be accessed a) via the Update Experiment and Occurrence ((blue star)) icon in the data browser or b) by selecting and occurrence and clicking the bulk update ((blue star)) button from the toolbar. Then, choose to either Generate Entry or Plot Code. This update also promises a faster performance when loading the Plot tab page.

    24.02 EM3.gif

Bug fixes

The bugs causing errors in the following features are resolved. You can now:

  1. filter the experiments displayed using the Program dashboard data filter ((blue star)) in the menu bar,

  2. download accurate metadata and plot data files, such that these are:

    1. not empty,

    2. do not have duplicated rows, and

    3. do not contain data of voided plots.

  3. expect to download mapping files that contain updated germplasm records after entry replacement,

  4. update management protocols,

  5. delete an experiment and expect that all related data are also removed,

  6. add occurrences by uploading designs in the Design tab, and

  7. expect that the plot numbers of a newly added occurrence to a Breeding Trial experiment follows a sequential order.

titleData Collection (DC)

Selection of formulas for trait calculation is enabled in the new Compute tab.

Trait data values are calculated based on the parameters defined in a formula. The new Compute tab lets you choose from an array of formulas applicable to your raw data. Take note that this tab is enabled only when there are trait values to be computed. To access this feature, upload your trait data collection file with numeric trait data.

The new

titleUPLOADED: to be calculated
status is used for all new file uploads. Open the Quality Control (QC) page by clicking the (tick) icon. You are automatically redirected to the Compute tab, where the list of all applicable formulas are enumerated and selected by default. Simply uncheck those that you do not need for your occurrence. Then, click Calculate. You will be redirected to the DC data browser, where your transaction should move from
titlecalculation in progress
to an
status. Wait for the notification ((blue star)) informing that trait/s have been successfully calculated.

Open the QC page again ((tick)) and move to the Review tab, where all traits, both computed and uploaded, are now visible in the Summary and Plot subtabs. You can then proceed to Complete the transaction, which commits the trait data to the occurrence.


View the full demo here.

RBAC is now supported.

This tool now implements role-based access control (RBAC), where users can only use tools and features that they have permission to access. These permissions are based on the roles assigned to the profiles in the Core System domain. Kindly contact your EBS admin for any additional access you may need.

Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when calculating the following traits:

  1. grain yield in Wheat,

  2. days to booting in Wheat, and

  3. total plot gap area in Rice.

titleHarvest Manager (HM)

First harvest use case for Cowpea and Soybean is now supported.

As EBS prepares to support Cowpea (CWP) and Soybean (SYB) programs, the first harvest use case for both crops are enabled in HM. You can now harvest plots using the Bulk method and whose germplasm state is “fixed”.

Select an experiment occurrence to harvest from Experiment Manager or directly in HM. In the Plots subtab, provide the harvest date for a germplasm whose state is “fixed”. Then, select Bulk from the harvest method drop-down menu. Move to the Creation tab to Commit and Create the harvest records. Once harvest is successful, the resulting package records are displayed in the Management tab.


View the full demo here.

Germplasm attributes for non-selfing crosses are now generated after harvest.

For every non-selfing cross that is harvested, the following germplasm attributes are generated:

  1. Germplasm Year. This pertains to the year in the crossing date.

  2. MTA Status. This provides the conditions set for germplasm exchange to partners. Additionally, new harvests will have a default IP status of PUD2.

  3. Origin. This refers to the country where a germplasm was developed and collected. The format is Institute/Center Acronym-Country. For example, IRRI-India.

After harvesting a non-selfing cross, you can view the germplasm attributes by clicking the hyperlinked germplasm name in HM’s Management tab. In the modal window, click the View More Information button and go to the Attributes tab. These new germplasm attributes are useful for shipment transactions and further analyses.

24.02 HM2.gif

Existing cross combination for each program is now recognized.

Within a program, when harvesting a cross that used the same parentage with a previously harvested cross, no new germplasm is created. This only generates additional seed and package records, which are attached to the existing germplasm.


titleInventory Search (IS)

Bug fixes

  1. You can expect to encounter no errors when searching for records.

  2. The bug causing the year filter to be predefined is resolved.


Selfing generations are now included in the downloaded Germplasm Relations file.

When you download the Germplasm Relations file, you can now expect to see the records of germplasm that were advanced using selfing. The Germplasm Relations file can be used for your Coefficient of Parentage (CoP) analysis. In the Germplasm data browser, search for your germplasm records and select those you want to export. Click the download icon ((blue star)) from the Search Results toolbar and choose Relations. A notification ((blue star)) will be provided once the file is ready to be downloaded. Click the notification message to download the file on your device. Previously, the exported Germplasm Relations file only included data from crosses.


View the full demo here.

titleExperiment Creation (EC)

NRep data are excluded when copying the entries of an experiment.

Entries can be assigned their respective total number of replicates (NReps). When you add entries to your experiment using the Copy Entry List option, the entries' NRep data is duly excluded.

Bug fixes

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. adding entries using the Copy Entry List option,

  2. displaying the correct number of selected entries in the Entry List tab and in the Design tab during bulk update of Total Reps,

  3. managing crosses in the Cross tab, and

  4. using CIMMYT RCBD and CIMMYT Alpha-Lattice designs.

titleExperiment Manager (EM)

Exporting the QC codes of plot trait data is enabled.

Quality control (QC) codes are assigned in the Data Collection tool or during quality checking in the Breeding Analytics domain’s Phenotypic Data Manager. In this version, QC codes are now included in the exported metadata and plot data files for rice programs. Specifically, you can now:

  1. Export QC codes. The following QC codes can now be exported side-by-side with the plot trait data values: good (G), questionable (Q), bad (B), missing (M), and suppressed (S). From the EM data browser, select occurrence/s with the status

    . Click the download button ((blue star)) from the toolbar. Select Metadata and Plot Data from the drop-down menu. In the Trait data category, choose the traits whose data you want to download and click Export. A notification ((blue star)) will be provided once the file is ready to be downloaded. Click the notification message to save the file on your device.

  2. Set plot trait data values to NA. You can now use “NA” to denote plot trait data values with QC codes of M, B, and S. This feature can be accessed when exporting metadata and plot data files. In the Data section, click the gear icon (⚙️). Turn the toggle on to Replace Trait Data with NA and click Export to begin the download.


View the full demo here.

Management of occurrences is enhanced.

This version implements the following improvements:

  1. Experiment and occurrence names can now be updated after changing Stage, Year, or Season. When editing ((blue star)) an experiment’s stage, year, or season, a modal window pops up to confirm if you want the experiment name and occurrence name/s to be updated according to the changes.

  2. Improved labels and descriptions in the Metadata and Plot data page. The page features improved instructions and renamed sections. Here, the Columns, Column Order, and Selected Columns were replaced by the labels Data, Data Categories, and Related Data, respectively.

  3. Export more data. You can now include Germplasm Attributes, such as MTA Status and Germplasm Release Year, as well as the Field data in the Metadata and Plot Data files that you can download. Germplasm attributes will be available under the Germplasm data category, while Field is under the Occurrence data category. Additionally, you can include the occurrence name, occurrence code, occurrence number in your exported Occurrence Data Collection files.


Bug fixes

The bugs causing errors in the following functionalities are fixed. You can now:

  1. open the View Occurrence page by clicking the (blue star) icon and opening the page in a new tab,

  2. be informed that at least one occurrence should be selected before downloading Data Collection Summary, Metadata and Plot Data, and Occurrence Data Collection files.

  3. download metadata and plot data files according to the program configuration,

  4. access EBS menu bar options,

  5. navigate the pages when managing experiments with >100 occurrences,

  6. view uploaded management data from occurrence data collection files, and

  7. expect the year column filter to be properly limited by the year data filter in the EBS menu bar ((blue star)).

titleData Collection (DC)

The Dataset tab is renamed to Review.

After uploading your trait data collection file, go to the Quality Control (QC) page using the (tick) icon. You will see the newly renamed tab, which still hosts the Summary and Plot/Cross subtabs. This tab is renamed to prepare for upcoming features.


Bug fix

The bug causing calculated traits to be null or voided after upload is fixed.

titleHarvest Manager (HM)

Bulk update of harvest data is enhanced.

Updating harvest data in bulk for more than 2,500 plots or crosses is now delegated to the background. In the Harvest Data tab, select more than 2,500 records and then click the bulk update button ((blue star)). A modal window pops up to show the total number of plots or crosses selected and the data updates to be done. When some records already have harvest data prior to the bulk update, the option to overwrite existing data is also provided via a modal window.

Proceed to update the harvest data in bulk. The

status is reflected as the update is done in the background. Once done, a notification ((blue star)) will be provided.


View the full demo here.

Bug fix

You can expect to encounter no errors when:

  1. printing harvest labels for materials without cross-parent information, and

  2. harvesting wheat plots whose seed names follow the user’s customized entry code, if applicable. Otherwise, the seed names follow the system default entry codes.
